Utah Says No to Apple/Google COVID-19 Tracing; Debuts Startup App - "Healthy Together” app uses a raft of location data, including GPS, cell tower triangulation and B... more: https://threatpost.com/utah-apple-google-covid-19-tracing-startup-app/155742/ #healthytogether #privacyconcerns #mobilesecurity #contacttracing #locationdata #coronavirus #government #covid-19 #privacy #gpsdata #google #twenty #apple #utah #api
#api #utah #apple #twenty #google #gpsdata #privacy #covid #government #coronavirus #locationdata #contacttracing #mobilesecurity #privacyconcerns #healthytogether
Apple’s iOS pasteboard leaks location data to spy apps - A developer has discovered that malicious apps could exploit the pasteboard to work out a user’s l... more: https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2020/02/26/apples-ios-pasteboard-leaks-location-data-to-spy-apps/ #operatingsystems #securitythreats #copyandpaste #locationdata #pasteboard #privacy #gpsdata #apple #mysk #ios #osx
#osx #ios #mysk #apple #gpsdata #privacy #pasteboard #locationdata #copyandpaste #securitythreats #operatingsystems