Die Rolle von GPS-Trackern in der Optimierung des Flottenmanagements
In der rasanten Welt des Flottenmanagements hat die Technologie eine treibende Kraft hinter der Optimierung und Effizienzsteigerung eingenommen. Eines der herausragenden Beispiele dafür ist die Rolle von GPS-Trackern. Von der einfachen Standortbestimmung hin zur umfangreichen Datenanalyse - GPS-Tracker
#flottenmanagement #gpstracker
Kinefox Tracks Wildlife for a Lifetime - Radio trackers have become an important part of studying the movements of wildlife... - https://hackaday.com/2023/06/17/kinefox-tracks-wildlife-for-a-lifetime/ #msg32energyharvester #wildlifeconservation #energyharvester #gpstracker #hardware #wildlife #science #sensors #sigfox
#sigfox #sensors #science #wildlife #hardware #gpstracker #energyharvester #wildlifeconservation #msg32energyharvester
The #NYPD Can Now Shoot #GPS #Trackers at Your #Car
The StarChase Guardian-HX uses the lower receiver from an AR-15 rifle and launches adhesive-tipped #GPStracker to allow #cops to track a vehicle remotely.
https://jalopnik.com/starchase-guardian-hx-nypd-vehicle-gps-tracker-police-1850327888 #privacy #surveillance
#NYPD #gps #trackers #car #gpstracker #cops #privacy #surveillance
Tracker verraten, was mit gestohlenen Fahrrädern passiert
Ein Forscherteam hat untersucht, was mit den Rädern passiert, die in Amsterdam gestohlen werden. Landen sie alle in Osteuropa, wie es viele zu wissen glauben?
#Amsterdam #Diebstahl #Elektroantrieb #Fahrräder #GPSTracker #MIT #Pedelecs #Radverkehr #Sigfox #SmartCities #TUDelft #TechnischeUniversitätDelft #Verkehr
#verpasstodon #amsterdam #diebstahl #elektroantrieb #fahrrader #gpstracker #mit #pedelecs #radverkehr #sigfox #smartcities #tudelft #technischeuniversitatdelft #verkehr
Handmade GPS Tracker Keeps an Eye on Adventurous Cats https://hackaday.com/2023/01/31/handmade-gps-tracker-keeps-an-eye-on-adventurous-cats/ #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #traccar #News #gsm
#pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #traccar #News #gsm
Handmade GPS Tracker Keeps an Eye on Adventurous Cats - One of the most convenient things about having cats is their independent lifestyle... - https://hackaday.com/2023/01/31/handmade-gps-tracker-keeps-an-eye-on-adventurous-cats/ #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #traccar #news #gsm
#gsm #news #traccar #gpshacks #gpstracker #pettracking
Watch your #spotX or ##spot #gpstracker device from the #bash #console https://pastebin.com/eUBL7di0
#spotx #spot #gpstracker #bash #console
Giving Your Pets A Digital Squeak https://hackaday.com/2022/12/15/giving-your-pets-a-digital-squeak/ #Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #LoRaWAN
#Microcontrollers #WirelessHacks #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #lorawan
Giving Your Pets A Digital Squeak - A pet tracker has a particularly grueling set of requirements: small, light, rugge... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/15/giving-your-pets-a-digital-squeak/ #microcontrollers #wirelesshacks #pettracking #gpstracker #gpshacks #lorawan
#lorawan #gpshacks #gpstracker #pettracking #wirelesshacks #microcontrollers
Today we tried out a new GPS tracker. He wasn't very happy at first, but out in the field he completely forgot about it. It works quite well, the app is not bad, the tracker is waterproof and holds really tight to the dog harness. And supposedly the battery lasts for about 3 days. I hope we never really have to check it out.
#Dog #Dogs #DogsOfMastodon #Doggo #Puppy #RescueDog #Rescue #GPS #GPSTracker #Cute #CuteAnimals
#dog #dogs #dogsofmastodon #doggo #puppy #rescuedog #rescue #gps #gpstracker #cute #cuteanimals
Kann hier jemand GPS-Tracker für Koffer und Gepäck inklusive datenschutzfreudlicher App empfehlen? #urlaub #datenschutz #gpstracker
#gpstracker #datenschutz #urlaub