@Maura_resister look at them encouraging human trafficking in the US! In plain sight for all to see... and even now, they STILL say they are the law abiding citizens, the loving ones and the Patriots! If doing to the most vulnerable this isn't the perfect image of why their christ was born in a manger and don't know what is! #GQPClownShow #gqp2022nazi #GQPDomesticTerrorists
#gqpclownshow #gqp2022nazi #gqpdomesticterrorists
@lindyli believe them #FFS when they tell you WHO they are! #MAGACult #MAGAFascists #GQPDomesticTerrorists #gqp2022nazi
#FFs #magacult #magafascists #gqpdomesticterrorists #gqp2022nazi
@otownKim @lindyli the Rs agree with you and are telling everyone but no one is reacting to it and I I can't help but see the parallels with nazi Germany. #GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGAFascists #gqp2022nazi
#gqpdomesticterrorists #magafascists #gqp2022nazi
@Fletcher so you wanna tell me IN ONE WEEK:
- cars rented by president Biden caught on fire,
- the US ambassy (FYI and prime minister) in Spain receives a letter bomb
- the new social twat plants the idea of "hunter Biden whatever" and Brazil election "fraud" (I guess because a fascist lost there TOO)
- The twitter files
- maga causes blackout in county
But there AREN'T organized domestic terrorists?
#GQPDomesticTerrorists #MAGA2022NAZI #gqp2022nazi #idiocracy2022
#gqpdomesticterrorists #maga2022nazi #gqp2022nazi #idiocracy2022