@scorpiosoul9 there should be a law preventing this. If I lied in an interview, I lose the job! But when it's a country and not a firm? #GQPInternationalTerrorists #GQPClownShow
#gqpinternationalterrorists #gqpclownshow
@locksmithprime please🙄🙄, we'll see!
Miss me with that non chalent attitude vis a vis a right extremists coup!
Nothing the left ever did compared to the right BS!
So I guess we'll see what happens (Bolsonaro leaving 2 days before his immunity ran off sure fells like he's scared! To florida! if anyone had a doubt about what he is!!!)
Regarding Lula's arrest, take a look at whom accused him, who & where THEY ARE !
#IamANTIFA #RascimoÉburrice #bolsonaroFascista #GQPInternationalTerrorists
#iamantifa #rascimoeburrice #bolsonarofascista #gqpinternationalterrorists