This part of the track tends to have growth on it in summer, but keep following it u til the start of the ski lift. This gets you to the tarmac without having to go through the tunnel. Sometimes the bar is open at this point, although it is not always well stocked. You can walk down i to Arinsal.
If you go west-east you'll descend from Refugi de Comapedrosa as normal. As you enter the forest on the way down, you'll around a sharp left-hand turn at some stage and you'll find the turn-off on the right-hand side. It will say Arinsal 45min.
Descend here until you get to another fork with a sign post. Keep right and cross two wooden bridges. When the path exists onto a wide track, turn right. Instead of taking the next footpath on the left, keep straight until you get to a gravel track, which is the bottom part of a ski track. Follow this, keeping straight even when the track bends to the left.
That footpath will exit you onto a track where you turn right and walk a small distance. Look for another sign on the left and go up that path. If you get to a toilet on the right, turn back - you have gone to far.
That path will criss two bridges and get to a fork where you need to go left. You'll eventually reach the original path where you turn left and you'll be on your way. This is much more pleasant than the classic approach.
GR11 folks, I have a nice surprise on the Andorra section. A new footpath opened, which will make it more if you are going to/coming from Refugi de Comapedrosa. You have to look for the Cami de les Carboneres signs.
I'll explain the route in the next couple of toots.
If you are doing east-to-west, your approach from Arinsal is usually to go through the tunnel, then go up the gravel track. You still need to go through the tunnel, but upon exit, turn right and then immediately right again. Go up that track that crosses over the tinnel and at the boom, you'll find a footpath to the right which you need to ascend.
To all you GR11 walkers, if you do it west to east, I suggest entering Andorra via the alternate route on Collada dels Estanys Forcats. The standard route up Collada de Baiau remains a bastard, or as we would in Catalan, "un mal parit".
Yes you would have to cross some snow on descent, it is only the last traverse where you need take care.
It is however, much more rewarding. If you run out of time you can bivouac at the lowest lake or further down at Pla d'Estany.
I have done a circle today which ascended Collada de Baiau and we found two German thru-hikers who really struggled on the loose scree and rock.
Arriba a La Barraqueta el documental “21 motius per caminar” d'Àlex Suárez i Pedro Valero, filmat durant la travessa del GR11 combinant la passió per la muntanya i la denúncia social.
El proper 17-F A les 19h, a l'Ateneu
I should be grateful I’ve been there but all I hear is “I want more!” #GR11
Folks from Europe fly all the way to New Zealand because “it’s so wild and pretty there”, but have never been to the Pyrenees, where they could go just by train.
GR11, July 2017
#hiking #trekking #backpacking #outdoors #nature #mountains #pyrenees #spain #GR11
#hiking #trekking #backpacking #outdoors #nature #mountains #pyrenees #spain #gr11
Entre les indigènes hostiles, et les bêtes sauvages, cette exploration est de plus en plus dangereuse. Mais je me ferai pas demi-tour. #GR11