I’m currently tutoring a couple of grade school students, and many of them can’t even read or do math at a much lower grade level, so how on earth are they going to the next grade? Don’t you have to pass the grade you are in before you get promoted to the next grade? Clearly, our educational system is failing! #education #gradeschool #tutoring
#education #gradeschool #tutoring
The Pepper Tree Elementary #Racist #Bullying Scandal That Just Triggered Every #Black Adult Who Attended A PWI in #GradeSchool
#racist #bullying #black #gradeschool
Ask your children (4th graders) what they learned at school today.
#fourthgrade #children #elementaryschool #gradeschool #inappropriate #readingmaterial #childrenbooks
#childrenbooks #readingmaterial #inappropriate #gradeschool #elementaryschool #children #fourthgrade
Elite Education and the Private School: Excellence and Arrogance at Phillips Exeter Academy by Alan H. Levy
#PhillipsExeterAcademy, #PhillipsExeter, #unitedstatesofamerika, #privateschools, #prepschools, #charterschools, #gradeschool, #eliteschools, #eliteschooling, #rulingclasseducation, #exeter, #newhampshire, #educationinnewhampshire, #educationinnewengland, #newenglandelite, #elitism, #secondaryschool, #secondaryschooling
Considers many components of current crises and dilemmas in education through an analysis of one of the most celebrated secondary schools in the nation, Phillips Exeter Academy. Illustrates how styles and techniques at Exeter have grown to eclipse educational content, a stasis resulting from an "education school" mentality among the teaching establishment that adversely affects American instruction. Levy examines the "corporate culture" of Exeter and the way in which a surreal relationship of genuine and illegitimate standards stymies intellectual development among faculty, and hence, among students. Also deals with the way students' problems with drugs, depression, sexuality, and suicide are either mishandled or ignored.
#PhillipsExeterAcademy #PhillipsExeter #unitedstatesofamerika #privateschools #prepschools #charterschools #gradeschool #eliteschools #eliteschooling #rulingclasseducation #exeter #newhampshire #educationinnewhampshire #educationinnewengland #newenglandelite #elitism #secondaryschool #secondaryschooling