When are people *finally* going to stop teaching students to write their essays and theses entirely in passive voice?! 😩 #argh #grading #passive #academicWriting
#academicwriting #passive #grading #argh
Just a short break from watching VLOGs featuring various soliloquys from Hamlet. I see the table reads have done the job. 😁
#shakespeare #grading #litodons #teaching #academiclife #academicchatter
#shakespeare #grading #litodons #teaching #academiclife #academicchatter
Apparently outing myself as a Swiftie means I get more than one essay about Taylor Swift. 😹
Well played, students.
#grading #teaching #academia #litodons #academicchatter @academiclife
#grading #teaching #academia #litodons #academicchatter
I am trying to incorporate new activities and problems, many of which I have seen here! I would love to just introduce them, but I work in a culture of points. Would love to hear comments from people who have managed this balance. If you grade everything, what is your balance of categories/points? #grading #mtBoS
@Kingevo I teach at a university, and may share our observations on school, and university, grading.
For almost 8 years I taught maths at a technical university in Singapore - the place considered by some the pinnacle of school maths. The latter is very far from being correct - Singapore edicates its best school leavers abroad, with massive scholarship programs for these who can't afford full fees in a top US or UK university. Leftovers (and a lot of other SE Asia school leavers) enter local universities. And, gosh, they really, really need a grade detox, for they have been graded to total brain damage and death by the supposedly superior system, with all the natural curiosity and ability to question beaten out...
In Oxford, where I ended up afterwards, grading is very mild - you can, potentially, almost sleep through terms, and do exams, few questions asked. That is, very little continuous assessment (CA). Why? Because CA leads to homework copying, and other sorts of cheating. That is to say, homework is not graded - it's marked and given to the students as feedback, as they get through courses.
Marking is taken very seriously, and is extremely time-consuming etc.
OK, I stop here, please feel free to ask more.
#GradingofStudents #grading
It was suggested that I tag this so here goes. #MTBoS #GradingofStudents #grading
#grading #GradingofStudents #mtbos
The book *Grading for Growth* by @dccmath and @RobertTalbert is now available! Read about it and find the link to order on their Substack: https://gradingforgrowth.com/p/grading-for-growth-the-book-is-now
My calculus class appears as a case study in chapter 5 (“Standards-Based Grading”) as a fairly straightforward example. Of course I’ve made a few changes in the system even since I did this interview 😉 but I think it still stands as a good reference for anyone considering an SBG or other alternative grading system.
Check it out!
#Grading #GradingForGrowth #Teaching #AlternativeGrading #StandardsBasedGrading #SBG #Calculus
#calculus #SBG #standardsbasedgrading #AlternativeGrading #teaching #gradingforgrowth #grading
@TheConversationUS but when will we move past grades at the uni level? In my experience students either: totally *get it*, fully engaging w/the material and one another w/prof’s guidance OR *move beyond* class approaches, suggesting new ways to combine insights and channels for investigation OR are tired, overworked, anxious, traumatized, or prejudiced and remain *unable to converse about or mobilize* material or insights. No finer grain needed—or helpful. 1/2. #education #grading
Has anyone used symbolizing techniques (e.g., diagrams, charts) to teach and grade philosophy at the undergrad level? Given LLMs, I'm thinking of doing some assignments based on symbolic representations of philosophical ideas rather than purely written one. If you use such tools, let me know what your experience has been!
#teaching #grading #pedagogy #philosophy
#TimeManagement #BarExam #Grading
I was about to whine a little bit about the abhorrent number of #BarPrep essays that were dropped in my lap overnight, but then I remembered how I felt during the last week before the test and I no longer want to complain. I want to cheerlead each of these students through one of the worst experiences in the professional world.
Now to find time in the day to give each of them adequate feedback and attention. 😅
#timemanagement #barexam #grading #barprep
"The grading and assessment boycott by members of the University and College Union [UCU] began on April 20 and is set to continue in the coming weeks, with a significant impact on graduations. It’s part of a long-running dispute over pay, pensions, and precarity that’s seen seventy thousand university staff at one hundred fifty universities repeatedly take to the picket lines over the past few years. Instead of seeking a resolution, more than sixty employers have retaliated with pay deductions of between 50 percent and 100 percent from those taking part, prompting further all-out strikes across a number of universities. With no end in sight, the futures of hundreds of thousands of students remain uncertain."
#UK #university #grading #assessment #boycott #pay #pension #students #graduation
#tajali #jacobin #uk #university #grading #assessment #boycott #pay #pension #students #graduation
Urgh, can we just outlaw orange and teal? Even Grand Designs is doing it. I paid good money for a TV that can do all the colours*, not just two of em.
*yeah, ok, all the colours in the rec709 colourspace or whatever #grading #DavinciResolve
With #grading completed the 2022-23 Spring semester has finally and officially ended. ‘Twas a wild ride.
I grade students through a combination of oral exams and mastery grading that people have been encouraging me to write up, so that's one of my projects for this summer. Spent the last couple of weeks going through background literature, and realized today that I have enough to start trying to turn my big pile of notes into a coherent paper. Exciting point to be at, but gee, that's an ugly pile of notes.... #academia #grading #writing
Late stage capitalism turned education into consumerism. I’m exhausted by students trying to negotiate grades like it’s a business deal.
Grades are earned.
I’m very relaxed about due dates - students just need to learn the material, do the work, step up.
#grading #teacher #teacherlife
Good Morning #Mastonauten, ich hoffe ihr habt alle gut geschlafen und startet gelassen und entspannt in diesen #sonntag ☺️👍
Als ich gestern so vor mich hin schrieb, kam mir doch glatt eine #Frage in den Sinn.
Was haltet ihr von #Grading? Gibt es ein #Game, dass ihr gerne geradet besitzen würdet oder sagt ihr, das ist alles Humbug? Lasst es mich wissen ☺️
Ich selbst verstehe den Sammelaspekt, bin aber dennoch kein Fan davon, da #Spiele für mich mehr sind, als Objekte oder Wertanlagen.
#Mastonauten #sonntag #frage #grading #game #spiele #gaming
And, now it is waaaaaaaay time for an adult beverage
#grading #FunAfterGrading #UnFinal.
#grading #funaftergrading #unfinal
And my other class’s finals were so compelling that I took notes on things to go back to because I was spending too long (!). New repertoire, sophisticated responses to music we’ve studied, parallels from other cultures and language groups. It was AWESOME!!! And all of those were (per the assignment) on slidedecks, with pictures). Life is grand! #grading #FunWhileGrading #UnFinal.
#grading #funwhilegrading #unfinal
Not to brag or anything but my students are the BEST. Two tweet streams as composers, three short stories, a whole host of crossword puzzles, and a handful of Kahoots. Plus your more “normal” reviews (on slidedecks, with pictures). Life is good.
#grading #FunWhileGrading #UnFinal.
#grading #funwhilegrading #unfinal