The book *Grading for Growth* by @dccmath and @RobertTalbert is now available! Read about it and find the link to order on their Substack:
My calculus class appears as a case study in chapter 5 (“Standards-Based Grading”) as a fairly straightforward example. Of course I’ve made a few changes in the system even since I did this interview 😉 but I think it still stands as a good reference for anyone considering an SBG or other alternative grading system.
Check it out!
#Grading #GradingForGrowth #Teaching #AlternativeGrading #StandardsBasedGrading #SBG #Calculus
#calculus #SBG #standardsbasedgrading #AlternativeGrading #teaching #gradingforgrowth #grading
Was mentioned in at a session at the #GradingForGrowth conference that we should post here some with some hashtags to help find each other. #AlternativeGrading
#AlternativeGrading #gradingforgrowth
New post at my blog today on how I'm using specifications grading these days, starting with how I found the message and learning objectives of my current course. Or: Why Laplace transforms aren't on the exam.
From a place of respect and support, here are some (unsolicited!) suggestions for the #ungrading community: Something to stop doing, something to start doing, and something to keep doing.
#highereducation #gradingforgrowth
#ungrading #highereducation #gradingforgrowth
@keithjones I too would be interested in a #mtbos -like home here. Discussions around #gradingforgrowth, #standardsbasedgrading, etc. are the main reason I'm still on the bird site.
#standardsbasedgrading #gradingforgrowth #mtbos
I'm interested in following #groups on #Mastodon... are they an official thing, or an unofficial third party thing? Curious to know more about them. Right now I just know they exist in theory.
In that vein, has anyone yet created a #math or #mathed or #mtbos #ibl #gradingforgrowth etc group on Mastodon?
#gradingforgrowth #ibl #mtbos #mathed #math #mastodon #groups
Thanks all for the reminder to use hashtags: I'm co-author of the #GradingForGrowth blog, where @roberttalbert and I write weekly about ways to improve assessment in higher education.
@dccmath #GradingForGrowth has been one of my favorite blogs. I've been keeping up with it pretty religiously and tweaking my own implementations as a result of it. Thanks to you and Robert for everything you're doing. 😎 👍