Drexel MCBG · @drexelmcbg
100 followers · 16 posts · Server biologists.social

MCBG Seminar 🧬 🧬 🧬

Thursday, September 14, 2023, 1 PM

Carly DeAntoneo, MCBG PhD Student

Advisor: Siddharth Balachandran, PhD
Fox Chase Cancer Center

Reovirus Z-NAs activate
ZBP1 dependent cell death

#graduateschool #graduatestudents #graduatestudies #biomedicalscience #cancerbiology

Last updated 1 year ago

The Big Data Cluster · @cznbigdata
236 followers · 810 posts · Server fediscience.org

Just added to our News section. Interview with science about their adventures in the field this summer.


#graduatestudents #CriticalZone

Last updated 1 year ago

Drexel MCBG · @drexelmcbg
99 followers · 15 posts · Server biologists.social

MCBG Seminar 🧬 🧬 🧬

Thursday, September 7, 2023, 1 PM

Kyle Yeake, MCBG PhD Student

Advisor: Michael Bouchard, PhD
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Investigating the Role of HIV-1 Tat in Modulating Apoptotic Signaling in HBV-infected Hepatocytes During an HIV/HBV Co-infection

#graduateschool #graduatestudents #graduatestudies #biomedicalscience #hvb #hiv #liver

Last updated 1 year ago

Drexel MCBG · @drexelmcbg
96 followers · 13 posts · Server biologists.social

The Fall Semester has started đŸ€©
Dr. Shae Padrick (Biochemistry, Drexel Medicine) is leading a forum for Drexel MCBG students to discuss important laboratory techniques 😊
- today's topic is DNA handling 🧬🧬🧬

#biomedicalscience #graduateschool #science #graduatestudents

Last updated 1 year ago

Hello Fediverse! We're the Student Research Journal out of San Jose State's iSchool, and our whole team is excited to join the interoperable web!

We are a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal developed and led by current graduate students at San Jose State University's School of information. Our goal is threefold: to empower budding researchers, to publish relevant content of the highest quality, and to build an international community of student researchers.

The peer review process is rigorous, but it's also an amazing opportunity to get feedback on your work from experienced editors. We'll work with you to polish your manuscript into its best possible form.

If you're interested in submitting your work to the SRJ, check out our website for more information.

#studentjournal #journal #peerreviewed #libraryandinformationscience #mlis #library #libraryscience #archivalstudies #informatics #recordsmanagement #graduatestudents #submityourwork #submissions #writing #science #research #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Thank you Dr. Pope as always for your summaries.

Apple News includes an article: “The Thing My Therapist Said That Changed My Life—Fifteen Examples” by Amanda Robb.

Here are some excerpts:

We’re all for doing the work, showing up and sitting in that chair (or lying on that well-worn Mies van der Rohe couch) and digging into our psyches to unearth our emotionally healthiest selves.

But sometimes a single statement or question pierces right through your onion layers and serves as a touchstone for the rest of your life.


1. When you don’t know what to do, do nothing

“This has helped me from saying or doing the wrong thing in difficult or emergency circumstances. Simply waiting a beat until I’ve had enough time to think and process a situation allows me to make better choices.” —Tiffany M, 48, New Rochelle, New York

2. You get to choose the type of relationship you have with ____ (fill in the blank)

“My parents divorced when I was about 18. When I was in my early 20s, I found out why. My father is gay. This was nearly 40 years ago, and I didn’t know how to react to my dad and his new partner. I knew I wasn’t comfortable with my siblings’ reactions, but I [still] loved them. And I realized that I loved my dad and I was happy for him. We’re close to this day. It seems like simple advice, but it was a powerful realization for me at the time.” —Kathryn R., 59, Burlingame, California

3. Get outside and walk

“I was a depressed teen, and my therapist told me I had to walk to and from her office from my house, which was 15 to 20 minutes away on foot. On the way there, it allowed me to focus on what I wanted to talk about in the session. On the way back, it helped me process and release what had happened in the session. It was just good for my overall mental health, and I am still exercising for my mental health.” —Victoria V., 53, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania

4. And what was the crime?

“I do a fair amount of Monday-morning quarterbacking, telling myself, I should’ve done this, not that, and then beating myself up. And my therapist would say this in her lovely English accent, and I’d realize there really was no catastrophe.” —Pilar G., 53

5. Just do it tired

“I was in group therapy, and the therapist gave someone else this advice. But it resonated with me because you can come up with a million excuses for not investing in yourself because of where you are. ‘I’m too tired’ is a common one, an easy one. And sometimes you really are exhausted and need to rest. But most of the time, you’re not that wiped out. So just go do whatever it is. Be out there. Be a part of things and see what that brings.” —Sue K., 61, New York City

6. Don’t get on the roller coaster, but always be waiting for them on the platform

“Advice for raising four daughters, including a set of twins. Of course, I did get caught up in their drama sometimes, but remembering this often helped me take a step back from it.” —Kathy I., 60, Charlotte, North Carolina

7. Okay, but at what cost to you?

“This is what my longtime therapist, Ruth, asks when I tell her I’ve taken on too much or I’m tolerating something difficult because it’s easier than confronting someone or admitting that I’m diminishing myself. It instantly re-centers me (I picture myself as that dot in Google Maps) and reminds me that my emotions and energy are worth protecting.” —Jennie T., 52

8. Not my circus, not my monkeys

“My life coach gave me this advice. I was learning to say no to people, but some didn’t accept it! They would give me a whole backstory and reasons I should change my answer to yes. This quote reminds me that I can’t change anyone’s reaction to my responses to things, but I can stick to my responses.” —Karon G., 47, Bayonne, New Jersey

9. With a good book, you’ll never be lonely

“This advice from my therapist after I got divorced resulted in my starting a book-related media company.” —Zibby O., 46, New York City

10. Aren’t you curious about what is around the corner for you?

“I had just experienced a serious traumatic event and was contemplating suicide. I still turn to this thought in dark times.” —Katherine K., 57, Las Vegas

11. You can hold two things at once

“I tend to think about things in categoricals—a career hazard, if you will. We are on time, or we’re late. We are on budget, or we’re not. It’s great for deadlines but bad for feelings. Over the past few years, I’ve had to figure out how to live alongside immense grief, and I remember telling my therapist how guilty I felt about being excited for an upcoming event. ‘You can hold two things at once,’ she said, and it sounds so simple, but it gave me a way to wrap my brain around feeling two diametrically opposed emotions. I can be sad about what isn’t while being excited for what is. It’s useful all the time. Two things can be true, and we can acknowledge both of them.” —Paulie D., 36,

12. Don’t compare your insides to other people’s outsides

“I use this constantly and repeat it to my children. It’s especially useful when I’m with someone who is incredibly intimidating and I’m feeling like a complete loser.” —Lisa C., 64, New York City

13. No one else is going to fight your fight

“My husband had left me. Immediately, I started seeing myself only as a victim. All I felt was self-pity about how badly I’d been betrayed; all I did in therapy was whine and complain. After about six months, my therapist said this to me, and a light bulb went off in my head. If I didn’t stand up for myself, I would be immobilized forever. I would be stuck not being able to trust anyone. Most importantly, I wouldn’t be able to make a new life for myself.” —Mary S., 63, Bozeman, Montana

14. Always follow the advice flight attendants give: Put on your own oxygen mask first, then help others around you

“My brother-in-law is a therapist, and he says this is among the most common advice he gives. I can overextend myself trying to help other people and wind up neglecting to take care of myself and my stuff, which can make me useless all the way around. This helps me keep first things first.” —Jonna A., 52, Reno, Nevada

15. We all have something from our childhood that we had zero control over

“You couldn’t control anyone’s behavior—what they said or how they acted. What you do have control over as an adult is how you allow it to affect the rest of your life, how you act and react to things. This changed my whole way of thinking and allowed me to be in control of my life!” —Brenda S., 59, Nassau, The Bahamas

Ken Pope

Ken Pope, Nayeli Y. Chavez-Dueñas, Hector Y. Adames, Janet L. Sonne, and Beverly A. Greene
Speaking the Unspoken: Breaking the Silence, Myths, and Taboos That Hurt Therapists and Patients (APA, 2023)

Merely reposted by:
Michael Reeder LCPC
Baltimore, MD

@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychotherapists

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #psychiatry #mentalhealth #graduatestudents #psynp #doctors #nursepractitioners #omhc

Last updated 1 year ago

TITLE: Mental Health Professional Lemmy & Mastodon Instances!
lem.clinicians-exchange.org (Lemmy)
mastodon.clinicians-exchange.o (Mastodon)
clinicians-exchange.org (email list sign-up)

We now have Lemmy & Mastodon instances up and operational for mental health professionals. Members are vetted by admin staff to be broadly employed in a mental health field. **PSEUDONYMS ALLOWED IN PROFILES!** Full name, credentials, and location encouraged in profiles. (For a fuller discussion on pseudonyms, vetting, and privacy please see lem.clinicians-exchange.org/po or email me off-list.)

The changes from our last announcement are an upgraded server, longer Mastodon post limits, broader membership criteria, and allowing pseudonyms -- which many professionals requested to feel safe participating online.

These are worldwide forums and do not replace local resources in any way. They lack the privacy of invite-only email lists so don't replace them either.

Please also see join-lemmy.org for more information on what the heck this is.

You can also search by keyword to find Lemmy server instances and special topic communities world-wide at browse.feddit.de and lemmyverse.net/communities .

Lemmy is to Reddit as Mastodon is to Twitter. Lemmy is like a BBS (bulletin board system) that can also connect to other bulletin board systems world-wide (allowing communities and enduring threads of conversation). Mastodon works like Twitter -- and all the Mastodon server instances communicate too.

Be aware that Lemmy is being updated frequently and remains somewhat buggy!

@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychotherapists

Michael Reeder, LCPC
Hygeia Counseling Services : Baltimore / Mt. Washington Village location
410-871-TALK / michael(at)hygeiacounseling.com
lem.clinicians-exchange.org (Lemmy)
mastodon.clinicians-exchange.o (Mastodon)
clinicians-exchange.org (email list sign-up)

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #mrna #vaccines #covid #longcovid #oncology #science #medicine #policy #political #pandemic #psychiatry #mentalhealth #lemmy #fediverse #reddit #socialmedia #graduatestudents #psynp #doctors #nursepractitioners #omhc

Last updated 1 year ago

See our email listserv for psychotherapists at clinicians-exchange.org

TITLE: Mental Health Professional Lemmy Instance!

We now have a Lemmy instance up and operational for mental health
professionals (including graduate students and retirees) at:



-- An instance for just mental health professionals.  (We vet potential

-- You can join, then look at "All" communities to see and participate
in communities from around the Fediverse.  Or just stay "Local" for
mental-health-related topics.

-- Low number of users as we restrict membership.  (This is valuable as
many instances are currently crashing under the flood of new members
fleeing Reddit's implosion).

-- Separate communities and threads for each type of discussion.

If you are a mental health professional, please visit us at:


We do require the use of full names and credentials -- so many users
keep an anonymous account elsewhere as well.

Please direct any questions & concerns my way.

Be aware that Lemmy is being updated frequently and remains somewhat buggy!


@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych

*Michael Reeder, LCPC
*Hygeia Counseling Services : Baltimore / Mt. Washington Village location*
*410-871-TALK / michael(at)hygeiacounseling.com*

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #mrna #vaccines #covid #longcovid #oncology #science #medicine #policy #political #pandemic #psychiatry #mentalhealth #lemmy #fediverse #reddit #socialmedia #graduatestudents #psynp #doctors #nursepractitioners #omhc

Last updated 1 year ago

TITLE: Mental Health Professional Lemmy Instance!

We now have a Lemmy instance up and operational for mental health professionals (including graduate students and retirees) at:



-- An instance for just mental health professionals. (We vet potential members.)

-- You can join, then look at "All" communities to see and participate in communities from around the Fediverse. Or just stay "Local" for mental-health-related topics.

-- Low number of users as we restrict membership. (This is valuable as many instances are currently crashing under the flood of new members fleeing Reddit's implosion).

-- Separate communities and threads for each type of discussion.

If you are a mental health professional, please visit us at:


We do require the use of full names and credentials -- so many users keep an anonymous account elsewhere as well.

Please direct any questions & concerns my way.

Be aware that Lemmy is being updated frequently and remains somewhat buggy!

@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychotherapists

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #mrna #vaccines #covid #longcovid #oncology #science #medicine #policy #political #pandemic #psychiatry #mentalhealth #lemmy #fediverse #reddit #socialmedia #graduatestudents #psynp #doctors #nursepractitioners #omhc

Last updated 1 year ago

TITLE: Mental Health Professional Lemmy Instance!

We now have a Lemmy instance up and operational for mental health professionals (including graduate students and retirees) at:



-- An instance for just mental health professionals. (We vet potential members.)

-- You can join, then look at "All" communities to see and participate in communities from around the Fediverse. Or just stay "Local" for mental-health-related topics.

-- Low number of users as we restrict membership. (This is valuable as many instances are currently crashing under the flood of new members fleeing Reddit's implosion).

-- Separate communities and threads for each type of discussion.

If you are a mental health professional, please visit us at:


We do require the use of full names and credentials -- so many users keep an anonymous account elsewhere as well.

Please direct any questions & concerns my way.

Be aware that Lemmy is being updated frequently and remains somewhat buggy!

@psychotherapist @psychology @socialpsych @socialwork @psychotherapists

#psychology #counseling #socialwork #psychotherapy #research #mrna #vaccines #covid #longcovid #oncology #science #medicine #policy #political #pandemic #psychiatry #mentalhealth #lemmy #fediverse #reddit #socialmedia #graduatestudents #psynp #doctors #nursepractitioners #omhc

Last updated 1 year ago

Motherboard · @Motherboard
349 followers · 526 posts · Server federated.press
Amy Fountain · @amyfou
1413 followers · 404 posts · Server lingo.lol

I didn't get to do a proper 'Huzzah!' post yesterday for the PhD student who passed his oral comprehensive exam.

So I hope you'll join me in a slightly belated 'Huzzah!'

In this student's language of study, I learned that there are two forms of the plural morpheme - one that's default, and the other that's reserved for kin terms (human family and ancestors)....



#academicchatter #linguistics #graduatestudents #languages

Last updated 1 year ago

Matthew Cheney · @melikhovo
448 followers · 371 posts · Server zirk.us

Inside Higher Ed interprets their own data incorrectly here: "provosts are united in their view: almost all provosts do not believe that graduate students should have the right to unionize" — I downloaded the report. It's a majority (58%) do not believe grad students should be allowed to unionize. The 97% is of that 58% (97% believe this because they see grad students as students first, employees second.)


#academia #highered #labor #graduatestudents

Last updated 1 year ago

Michael Meckler · @michaelmeckler
383 followers · 512 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@histodons @medievodons The website of the Cambridge Medieval History Graduate Workshop explicitly states: 'We welcome submissions from other institutions', so those studying medieval history at the graduate level at any university would be eligible to submit offers to read papers.

See the original message 'tooted' by @DontMindMe for more details and the website link.

#graduatestudents #medievalhistory

Last updated 1 year ago

VICE News · @VICENews
946 followers · 166 posts · Server federated.press
Dr T ÂČ · @drtifftaft
539 followers · 848 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Northwestern University graduate students vote YES to unionize:

#unions #workers #workersrights #graduatestudents #phd

Last updated 2 years ago

APSbacteriology · @APSbacteriology
32 followers · 22 posts · Server mstdn.science

New graduate research position (M.S. or Ph.D. level) in De La Fuente lab at Auburn University. Starting date: Fall 2023.

#graduatestudents #Plantdisease #plantbiology #planthealth #microbiology #bacteriology

Last updated 2 years ago

yossi · @yossi
11 followers · 10 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I was interviewed by Luna from the MATRIX Institute (matrix-inst.org.au/) about my experience organising a in . It was a video interview, and you can find it here: matrix-inst.org.au/the-spectru
The opportunity to organise a conference for in and by Graduate students was amazing. I can’t thank the institute and my co-organisers Grace, James, Em and Ellena enough. Id really appreciate no comments about my appearance/voice.

#topology #geometry #graduatestudents #mathematics #phdconference

Last updated 2 years ago

Monica Sousa · @monisousa93
77 followers · 22 posts · Server zirk.us

"body" (noun)
- the physical structure of a human or nonhuman animal
-- the material form
"disembody" (verb)
-- to enact, willing or unwillingly, a distancing of mind and body
-- to seperate or free from it's concrete form


#conferences #cfps #bodies #embodied #disembodied #graduatestudents

Last updated 2 years ago