How AWC courses helped Luke Rutledge secure his book deal for ‘A Man And His Pride’

Luke Rutledge loves his job in communications, but was keen to scratch his creative itch. He had enjoyed writing as a child, but had stopped when life got in the way, before deciding to start again in his late 20s. After completing No...

#indieauthornews #memoirwriting #graduatesuccessstoriescreative

Last updated 2 years ago

The course that changed Jess Horn’s life

Jess Horn was a busy working parent with no time for hobbies, but she decided she could just squeeze in a few minutes to enter the Furious Fiction competition at the Australian Writers' Centre. After that, she was hooked. With her childhood love of...

#indieauthornews #alumnistudentsuccessstories #fictionwriting #interviewswithwriters #graduatesuccessstoriescreative

Last updated 2 years ago