This is what the end of a filament or nanotube looks like and it is actually moving under the microscope. #Morgellonsdisease, the real pandemic!. Destructive #GrapheneOxide, #grafeenoxide in the 'mRna-vaccins'. Huidproblemen = #vaccinatieschade
#VaccinatieSchade #grafeenoxide #GrapheneOxide #Morgellonsdisease
This is what the end of a filament or nanotube looks like and it is actually moving under the microscope. #Morgellonsdisease, the real pandemic!. Destructive #GrapheneOxide, #grafeenoxide in the 'mRna-vaccins'. Huidproblemen = #vaccinatieschade
#VaccinatieSchade #grafeenoxide #GrapheneOxide #Morgellonsdisease