I'm just gobsmacked by the level of venality exposed by the #ledbydonkeys sting of #kwasikwarteng #matthancock and #grahambrady - #pigs with their #nosesinthetrough - #gullible and #greedy - #cabinet #ministers seeking to augment their income on the #electorate 's time - Read more here: 👉 https://www.climateblog.uk/index.html#ToryPigsattheTrough
#ledbydonkeys #KwasiKwarteng #matthancock #grahambrady #pigs #nosesinthetrough #gullible #Greedy #cabinet #ministers #electorate
Do you wonder what #MPs #KwasiKwarteng, #MattHancock and #GrahamBrady have in common?
They've all been tricked into revealing what their going rate is for work outside their parliamentary roles in a delicious #Gotcha by #ledbydonkeys
#mps #KwasiKwarteng #matthancock #grahambrady #gotcha #ledbydonkeys