Vite brevi ed esemplari delle spie / 3 #VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC.Dennett #DashiellHammett #KirtillChenkin #DiegoGabutti #GrahamGreene #AltroQuando #Inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #GaryPowers #KimPhilby #Cremlino #Stalin #URSS #CIA
#VjačeslavMichajlovičMolotov #AleksandrMichajlovičOrlov #JurijVladimirovičAndropov #ragazzidiViaPanisperna #EtheleJuliusRosemberg #RudofIvanovičAbel #VladimirSacharov #BrunoPontecorvo #DanielC #dashiellhammett #KirtillChenkin #diegogabutti #grahamgreene #AltroQuando #inghilterra #MiriamMafai #WillyFisher #FrankClose #garypowers #KimPhilby #cremlino #stalin #urss #cia
I just started reading 'Loser Takes All' by Graham Greene:
40 pages in and I regret having taken so long to read the master's books since last time.
This is fun, funny, and fast.
June 3 - Bear in a movie
Antlers (2021) #HorrorMovies #KeriRussell #JessePlemons #GrahamGreene
#grahamgreene #JessePlemons #KeriRussell #HorrorMovies #bales2023filmchallenge
I just watched This Gun for Hire (Frank Tuttle, 1942) and rated it 6/10 ~ #films #cinema #cinemastodon #ThisGunForHire #AlanLadd #VeronicaLake #GrahamGreene - I've just read the novel so decided to give the film another go - silly but fun (as was the book).
#grahamgreene #veronicalake #alanladd #thisgunforhire #cinemastodon #cinema #films
Graham Greene wrote many things & traveled extensively in so doing. "In Search of a Character" is a travelogue from a few such trips.
Martha Grimes' "Send Bygraves" is a mystery told in poetic verse! I'm impressed!
Have you read these? Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Discuss!
4/13/23 Open 6-9p Mask recommended. No open containers, please.
#GrahamGreene #MarthaGrimes #Mystery #Mysteries #Travelogue #Travelogues #Poetry #Verse #Books #UsedBooks #Bookstore #BrickAndMortar #DaytonOH #DaytonOhio
#grahamgreene #marthagrimes #mystery #mysteries #travelogue #travelogues #poetry #verse #books #usedbooks #bookstore #brickandmortar #daytonoh #daytonohio
"Er war nicht nur der literarisch bedeutendste aller Autoren von Spionagethrillern, sondern, soweit sich heute erkennen läßt, in dieser eigenartigen Bruderschaft auch der raffinierteste Spion."
#HansPeterSchwarz über #GrahamGreene
(#PhantastischeWirklichkeit, 2006, Seite 118)
#hanspeterschwarz #grahamgreene #phantastischewirklichkeit
Literarischer #3April
„Früher oder später muss man Partei ergreifen, wenn man ein Mensch bleiben will.“
#GrahamGreene #DerStilleAmerikaner Tod 1991
#3april #grahamgreene #derstilleamerikaner
33 years ago:
Dances with Wolves (GB,US)
Wounded Civil War soldier, John Dunbar tries to commit suicide—and becomes a hero instead. As a reward, he's assigned to his dream post, a remote junction on the Western frontier, and soon makes unlikely friends with the local Sioux tribe.
#DanceswithWolves #KevinCostner #MaryMcDonnell #GrahamGreene #Western #Movies
#danceswithwolves #kevincostner #marymcdonnell #grahamgreene #western #movies
Ok, je comprends mieux pourquoi la scène de poursuite dans les égoûts du Troisième Homme est au Panthéon du cinéma...
Le film est à voir sur Arte jusqu'au 1er avril !
#cinema #ThirdMan #TroisièmeHomme #OrsonWells #GrahamGreene
(et furieuse envie de relire Le Coup de Prague de Fromenthal et Hyman : #bd #lecture )
#cinema #thirdman #troisiemehomme #orsonwells #grahamgreene #bd #lecture
"Als der lokale Führer über die bittere Vergangenheit zu sprechen beginnt, sagt dieser stille Amerikaner: 'Sie müssen nach vorn schauen, schauen Sie einfach nach vorn.'"
Je mehr du weißt, desto mehr liest du raus.
(#ZeitDerFreiheit, 1999, Seite 385)
#timothygartonash #zeitderfreiheit #grahamgreene #derstilleamerikaner
People and books that helped form who I am today:
#grahamgreene #johnupdike #walkerpercy #kurtvonnegutjr #johnirving #ralphellison #hermannhesse #loreneiseley #jamesbaldwin #johnsteinbeck #raybradbury #frankherbert #roberta #malcomx #kimstanleyrobinson #julianjaynes #sometimesagreatnotion #wendellberry #whatarepeoplefor #edwardabbey #desertsolitaire #tomrussell #carlhiaasen #michaelpollan #botanyofdesire #pattismith #michaelstipe #davidsedaris #cormacmccarthy
I’ve watched the scene with #GrahamGreene and #ElaineMiles too many times to count.
"In childhood we live under the brightness of immortality -- heaven is near and actual as the seaside. Behind the complicated details of the world stand the simplicities: God is good, the grown-up man or woman knows the answer to every question, there is such a thing as truth, and justice is as measured and faultless as a clock. Our heroes are simple: they are brave, they tell the truth, they are good swordsmen and they are never in the long run really defeated. That is why no later books satisfy us like those which are read to us in childhood -- for those promised a world of great simplicity of which we knew the rules, but the later books are complicated and contradictory with experience; they are formed out of our own disappointing memories -- of the V.C. in the police-court dock, of the faked income tax return, the sins in corners, and the hollow voice of the man we despised talking to us of courage and purity."
-- #grahamgreene THE MINISTRY OF FEAR
S1 E6: #ElaineMiles and #GrahamGreene thriving and bemused through the apocalypse.
#elainemiles #grahamgreene #ndn #indigenous #tlou #thelastofus #hbo
Kotaku: The Last Of Us Episode 6 Recap: Ellie The Goodbye Girl #gaming #tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #naughtydog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #fictionalcharacters #santaclaritadiet #richarddreyfuss #thegoodbyegirl #willlivingston #townofjackson #neithermarlon #grahamgreene #jacksonjoel #elainemiles #NaughtyDog #joeldexter #sallyride #neilsimon #marlene #fiction #marlon #ellie #sarah #kevin #maria #Tommy #tess #dina #joel #sam #hbo
U may remember #GrahamGreene or #JohnLeCarre
#TomClancy will surely sound familiar to you.
They are authors of novels in a sorta gender military or spy thriller
in #ColdWar or post #ColdWar.
But what they don't know is that real facts are stranger than fiction.
#grahamgreene #johnlecarre #tomclancy #coldwar
On February 1, 1950 The Third Man premiered in New York City. Here’s a Post-It note portrait of Orson Welles to mark the occasion!
#TheThirdMan #CarolReed #GrahamGreene #FilmNoir #Noir #40sNoir #SpyFilm #ColdWarFilm #MysteryThriller #ExpressionistFilm #ClassicFilm #ClassicCinema #FanArt #Art #Portrait #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#thethirdman #carolreed #grahamgreene #filmnoir #noir #40snoir #spyfilm #coldwarfilm #mysterythriller #expressionistfilm #classicfilm #classiccinema #FanArt #art #portrait #movieart #moviehistory
#February 1, 1918
#OTD Muriel Spark, Scottish #Novelist, #Poet & prolific #Writer, is born.
She received a 1974 letter from her friend, #GrahamGreene, who advised,
"Don't make your #Books any shorter... or you'll disappear like Beckett."
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie (1961) put Muriel on the fast track to fame.
In it, she wrote,
"#Chrysanthemums? Such serviceable #Flowers..."
In Curriculum Vitae (1992), Muriel famously shared her personal #Motto:
"Beware of men bearing flowers."
#february #otd #novelist #poet #writer #grahamgreene #books #chrysanthemums #flowers #motto #garden
I'm delighted that Graham Greene never entirely surrendered his early work eccentricities after THE POWER AND THE GLORY cemented his literary streetcred. I love the early scene in THE MINISTRY OF FEAR in which Rowe is pestered by a stranger to get a cake back -- this as London is being bombed during the Blitz. The implication here is that humans will always find something to squabble with and go insane over, even when apocalyptic follies subsume them.