// #GrahamHancock, #RandallCarlson : An #archeological process commentary : https://youtu.be/0H5LCLljJho
#video #powerfuljre #repost #archeological #randallcarlson #grahamhancock
// #GrahamHancock, #RandallCarlson : #Archeological processes commentary : https://youtu.be/0H5LCLljJho
#video #powerfuljre #repost #archeological #randallcarlson #grahamhancock
Step Back's @TristanPEJ is one of my most favourite creators on Youtube & Nebula. He's a man with a mission I wholeheartedly support.
If you're curious about The Discourse™ surrounding Netflix's 'Ancient Apocalypse', let Tristan explain. & no, you don't need to watch the "documentary" series. Probably best you don't. Start here: https://youtu.be/bFKRnnqNBzo
#ancientapocalypse #netflix #pseudohistory #grahamhancock
Archaeologists Discuss Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse | Netflix
With Andy Brockman & Bill Farley
#Archaeology #ancientapocalypse #Netflix #pseudoarchaeology #grahamhancock
#archaeology #ancientapocalypse #netflix #pseudoarchaeology #grahamhancock
Watching #grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse is a reminder that saying anything in a snobbish bristish accent makes it sound a 100% more believable
#grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse
Actualmente estoy leyendo #LaHuellaDeLosDioses de #GrahamHancock a quien he conocido gracias a su documental #AncientApocalypse (muy polémico, por cierto).
No me creo todo lo que dice, aunque sí buena parte. Como mínimo me hace cuestionarme cosas que damos por seguras y me deja dudando, eso es lo que más me gusta. Hay que reconocerle mérito porque lleva años investigando sobre la #CivilizacionPerdida independientemente de que algunas de sus teorías sean un poco enrevesadas.
Lo que más le aplaudo es su defensa de los mitos como transmisores de hechos reales. Creo que es un error considerarlos todos cuentos inventados y no tenerlos en cuenta a la hora de entender y estudiar civilizaciones antiguas.
#lahuelladelosdioses #grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse #civilizacionperdida
We are mostly preoccupied with our present lives, with the contemporary moment, with its ups and downs, dramas and traumas, LOLs and outrages...
But what if we were to slip through some cosmic wormhole to experience #time from a radically expanded perspective?
This new piece by Brian George considers the possibility that human civilizations are much—MUCH—older than conventionally assumed. Fans of #GrahamHancock and #gobeklitepe research may especially enjoy this one.
#time #grahamhancock #gobeklitepe
The first day of the year-end #holiday, and I am watching "Ancient Apocalypse", a documentary series. It is fascinating and beautiful to watch.
British writer Graham Hancock hosts it; the eight-part series travels to locations worldwide looking for evidence of lost civilisations dating to the last Ice Age. I am at 3rd part, but it's less factual and primarily based on myths and legends of diverse cultures.
He says a global flood wiped out an advanced civilisation. Then points to a recurring great flood myth in religions and cultures worldwide. From Noah's Ark in the Bible to Deucalion in Greek mythology — as proof.
#holiday #ancientapocalypse #documentary #grahamhancock #mythology
Currently watching Graham Hancock with Aubrey Marcus. I've been wondering if our current civilization *will* be the next Lost Civilization. #GrahamHancock #AncientHistory https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y71YICe9uE
#grahamhancock #ancienthistory
If you are curious about the human history as a subject, please check out this #documentary on #Netflix called Ancient Apocalypse.
It provides such an #interesting take from Graham Hancock about how #archaeology needs to be looked at from a lens of #astronomy
Mind you, it is not a #conspiracy theory and all, it makes sense on what he says there.
#documentary #netflix #interesting #archaeology #astronomy #conspiracy #grahamhancock #ancient
1st post bringing my latest video (link below):
The new dating of the Lousiana State University Campus mounds, the implications of it, and how "right" was Graham Hancock, after having suggested mound building is much older in his book "America Before". He also talks about North American mounds in his new doc called "Ancient Apocalypse".
#moundbuilders #moundbuilding #america #grahamhancock #lsu #lousiana #archaeology #ancienthistory #history #ancient #ancientapocalypse
#moundbuilders #moundbuilding #america #grahamhancock #lsu #lousiana #archaeology #ancienthistory #history #ancient #ancientapocalypse
#AncientApocalypse - Problematische Pseudoarchäologie als #Netflix-Hit.
Bestsellerautor #GrahamHancock sucht nach einer untergegangenen Zivilisation aus der Eiszeit. Statt Fakten liefert er #Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit und #Verschwörungsmythen.
#verschworungsmythen #Wissenschaftsfeindlichkeit #grahamhancock #netflix #ancientapocalypse
I've been watching a little bit of the "most dangerous show on television" (according to click-baiters @guardian), i.e. #GrahamHancock's #AncientApocalypse.
You know what it reminds me of more than anything else? Reading #EvolutionaryPsychology. In other words, what's mainly wrong with it is nothing more than what's wrong with all over-enthusiastic science: it's all based on case-building, no notion of real hypothesis testing. In his own words, Hancock's been "searching for proof" for decades.
#grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse #evolutionarypsychology
#GrahamHancock has a #Netflix series and its absolute🤮
He’s currently talking about #SerpentMound in Ohio. Radiocarbon dating puts its age at around 2000 years. Despite this, Graham claims without any evidence that it is actually 12000 years old and was built to mark the LGM. WTH.
#grahamhancock #netflix #SerpentMound
RT @DanielPinchbeck@twitter.com
What's wrong with Ancient Apocalypse, Graham Hancock's hit docu-series on Netflix?
#ancientapocalypse #grahamhancock #atlantis #archaeology
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DanielPinchbeck/status/1597203747696173058
#ancientapocalypse #grahamhancock #atlantis #archaeology
Watching Ancient Apocalypse, I continue thinking the same thing, “The truth is out there”. #grahamhancock #truthisoutthere
#grahamhancock #truthisoutthere
I love a good documentary, but when the host / 'specialist' keeps saying "as I believe", "I think", "I'm suggesting"... It's really one dudes thoughts / opinion.
#grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse #neflix
Hancock? More like Halfcocked am I right? There is nothing that triggers me more than misinformation in my area of expertise, platformed to such scales that I become aware of it. For real tho. I spend so much time educating people, vigorously citing sources. Then some doofus comes along and just obliterates evidence based knowledge and learning with complete and utter fallacies. 😩💔
#grahamhancock #ancientapocalypse #conspiracytheory #pseudoscience #peerreview #evidencebased #archaeology
#archaeology #evidencebased #peerreview #pseudoscience #conspiracytheory #ancientapocalypse #grahamhancock