#NowPlaying: #GrahamParkerandtheRumour - Stick to Me
European CD reissue.
I have a lot of albums by #GrahamParker and #TheRumour but it still has to get to me properly. So far this album is really enjoyable, nicely upbeat and some really clear production. I get really positive vibes from this album!
#nowplaying #grahamparkerandtherumour #grahamparker #therumour #70s #70smusic #pubrock #newwave #cd
Had a large record haul today!
Top left to bottom right, lower layer to top layer:
#RoughTrade - O Tempora! O Mores!
#GrahamParkerAndTheRumour - Stick To Me & Squeezing Out Sparks
Rough Trade - For Those Who Think Young
#M (#RobinScott) - New York, London, Paris, Munich
#OrchestralManoeuvresInTheDark - Liberator
#Section25 - Dirty Disco (Best Of)
#U2 - The Fly
#timebandits #roughtrade #pearlharborandtheexplosions #grahamparkerandtherumour #m #robinscott #orchestralmanoeuvresinthedark #section25 #genesis #u2
#NowPlaying: #grahamparkerandtherumour - The Parkerilla
This is a '78 UK pressing. Amazing cover: I always thought it was sideways and wrong, but on closer inspection it actually folds out to be the full body of some sort of vampire or other type of humanoid monster. (Or maybe his nose is just like that...) Don't know much yet about The Rumour, but their genre Pub Rock seems to be a precursor to Post Punk and so New Wave, that I'm so fond of.
#nowplaying #grahamparkerandtherumour #70s #70smusic #pubrock #newwave
#TheWho, Sound Round
#GrahamParkerandTheRumour, Swing State
#Funkadelic, Super Stupid
#TheBeachBoys, This Whole World
#Wire, Three Girl Rhumba
#AndyFairweatherLoweandTheLowRiders, Unclouded Day
#TheRollingStones, Respectable
#Wings, Beware My Love
#wings #therollingstones #andyfairweatherloweandthelowriders #wire #thebeachboys #funkadelic #grahamparkerandtherumour #thewho #TheMorningLine
#DM3, I Thought You Were Foolin'
#SuperFurryAnimals, Hometown Unicorn
#Prince, Emotional Pump
#Wilco, Sunloathe
#MarkLanegan, Creeping Coastline Of Lights
#GrahamParkerandTheRumour, Fast Crowd
#FredAstaire, Nice Work If You Can Get It
#Thrice, Promises
#thrice #fredastaire #grahamparkerandtherumour #MarkLanegan #Wilco #prince #superfurryanimals #dm3 #TheMorningLine
Wenn, dann…
Diese Alben hätte ich heute angehört, wenn ich Zeit für Musik gehabt hätte. Heaven and Hull von Mick Ronson, Put it down to experience von Darling oder Graham Parkers Album Stick to me, britischer Rhythm ‚n‘ Blues at its best.
Aber ich habe sie nicht angehört. Jetzt ärgere ich mich über mich selbst.
Geht es Euch manchmal auch so?
#sichtenundgeschichten #grahamparkerandtherumour #alicespring #darling #mickronson #heavenandhull
#sichtenundgeschichten #grahamparkerandtherumour #alicespring #darling #mickronson #heavenandhull