#gravelbike Tour mit meinem #canyon #grail und Cora auf ihrem #cube #mountainbike auf #usedom bis nach #swinemünde.
#gravelbike #canyon #grail #cube #mountainbike #usedom #swinemunde
Heute mal nur ne kleine auf dem #grail #gravelbike Runde. Die Hitze ist mir zu arg für große Verausgabung.
New blood test can help detect cancer early
#cancer #bloodtest #Galleri #Grail #Oxford #ASCO #detection #patients #treatment
#treatment #patients #detection #asco #oxford #grail #galleri #bloodtest #cancer
Und auch dieses Wochenende war ich wieder über 100 km mit dem #canyon #grail #gravelbike unterwegs. Diesmal bin ich von #preetz zur #trave in #badsegeberg gefahren. Die vielen Alleen habe mich vor der prallen Sonne beschützt.
#canyon #grail #gravelbike #preetz #trave #badsegeberg
#Grail hat mit seinem als „revolutionär“ bezeichneten #Bluttest zur #Krebserkennung zuletzt für viel Aufmerksamkeit gesorgt.
Die jüngsten Schlagzeilen dürften dem #Startup aber gar nicht gefallen.
Hier geht es zum Artikel: 👉 https://t3n.de/news/bluttest-falsche-krebsdiagnose-1557212/?utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=referral #krebs
#grail #bluttest #krebserkennung #startup #krebs
Mein #canyon #grail #gravelbike ist aus der Inspektion wieder da und wie neu. Die Sonne scheint, bei 20 Grad und das Wochenende steht vor der Tür. Was will man mehr! Deshalb habe ich gleich noch mal eine Runde durch den #naturpark #westensee gedreht.
#canyon #grail #gravelbike #naturpark #westensee
The usual disclaimer: this is promising, but don’t count on great results.
If it works as advertised—if—it could be what #Theranos promised and so spectacularly failed to deliver. #Grail is using well-understood technology and (I think) large enough samples to make the claims for the #Galleri test believable, at least. And the #NHS (again, I think) doesn’t have the kind of incestuous relationships with financially interested parties that helped #Holmes et al. get away with such fraud for so long. So I’m inclined to trust their reporting.
With that said, the usual #statistician’s disclaimer applies: #multiple #testing is hard. So, for that matter, does the #medic’s and the #biologist’s, because there are multiple kinds of multiple testing going on here. The more you test, the more you will screw up.
I almost appended “it’s like a law of nature” to that last sentence above … but no, it is a law of nature. Unreasonable effectiveness of #mathematics something something.
#Cancer screening is important, and steady improvements in the field have already saved untold numbers of lives. I expect this will continue to be the case. So take this with cautious optimism. Pushing back the boundaries a little bit at a time, each small step representing another decade or year or month of life—it’s what we do, every day. I want to believe.
#galleri #nhs #holmes #statistician #multiple #testing #medic #biologist #mathematics #cancer #theranos #grail
The usual disclaimer: this is promising, but don’t count on great results.
If it works as advertised—if—it could be what #Theranos promised and so spectacularly failed to deliver. #Grail is using well-understood technology and (I think) large enough samples to make the claims for the #Galleri test believable, at least. And the #NHS (again, I think) doesn’t have the kind of incestuous relationships with financially interested parties that helped #Holmes et al. get away with such fraud for so long. So I’m inclined to trust their reporting.
With that said, the usual #statistician’s disclaimer applies: #multiple #testing is hard. So, for that matter, does the #medic’s and the #biologist’s, because there are multiple kinds of multiple testing going on here. The more you test, the more you will screw up.
I almost appended “it’s like a law of nature” to that last sentence above … but no, it is a law of nature. Unreasonable effectiveness of #mathematics something something.
#cancer screening is important, and steady improvements in the field have already saved untold numbers of lives. I expect this will continue to be the case. So take this with cautious optimism. Pushing back the boundaries a little bit at a time, each small step representing another decade or year or month of life—it’s what we do, every day. I want to believe.
#grail #cancer #nhs #holmes #statistician #multiple #testing #medic #biologist #mathematics #theranos #galleri
Gwenhwyfar, Queen of Britain
#Guinevere #camelot #medieval #renfaire #cosplay #queen #warriorqueen #kingarthur #camelot #templar #grail #crusade#digitalart #generativeart #aiartists #rpg #fantasyart #aiphotography #stablediffusionart
#guinevere #camelot #medieval #renfaire #cosplay #queen #warriorqueen #kingarthur #templar #grail #crusade #generativeart #aiartists #rpg #fantasyart #aiphotography #stablediffusionart
Than first spake Sir Gawaine and seyde, “Sir Ector, have ye herde thes wordys?” ”Ye, truly,” seyde Sir Ector, “I herde all. Now go we,” seyde Sir Ector, ”unto som ermyte that woll telle us of oure avision, for hit semyth me we laboure all in waste.”
I like how any hermit will do for interpreting visions.
Of course you are wasting your time, if you aren’t Galahad, Launcelot, Percivale, or Bors you aren’t going to even get tested for the grail quest.
#gawain #quest #grail #lemortedarthur
Performance of a targeted methylation-based multi-cancer early detection test by race and ethnicity #grail #p1000Biblio
In the world of G1 "Grail" figures, there aren't many more desirable then a complete Monstructor.
*Not pictured: Their Pretender Shells*
#Transformers #Monstructor #G1 #Pretenders #GPS #GoldPlastic #Grail #HolyGrail
#transformers #monstructor #G1 #Pretenders #GPS #goldplastic #grail #holygrail
One of my #grail #comicboooks is here!
Nightcat in the house! 😂
Sincerely love bad #comics - I can't help myself!
Petite sortie route sympathique aujourd'hui malgré le froid. Découverte du Hohwald et retour par la piste cyclable de Barr à Griesheim.
Ce nouveau vélo est un réel plaisir. #Canyon #Grail #velo #cyclotourisme
#Canyon #grail #velo #cyclotourisme