Paul Kwietniak · @DuBusGuy19
15 followers · 66 posts · Server

I didn’t post anything about last night because I had nothing worth . Most of my effort involved trying to figure out if Łosewo (today in County, voivideship ) was in ‘s or oblast in in 1809. If you’re ever asked, it’s the former.

#genealogy #tooting #grajewo #podlaskie #poland #napoleon #duchyofwarsaw #bialystok #russia #history #easterneurope

Last updated 1 year ago

Gilad · @gilad73
121 followers · 306 posts · Server

The book I ordered just arrived & I'm excited to get started. It's about the small town in north eastern my maternal great grandparents came from. or as they called it in . I'm hoping to learn more about my family and what life was like for Polish at the turn of the 20th century.

#poland #grajewo #grayeve #yiddish #jews

Last updated 2 years ago

Gilad · @gilad73
73 followers · 103 posts · Server

A relative of mine is visiting the town where my great grandparents came from in , . This is picture of the town's shul (before the burned it down), it is now a cultural center. I have mixed feelings seeing the pictures he is sending. On the one hand seeing the streets my ancestors walked connects me to the past. On the other hand, the end was so tragic (my great grandmother refused to go back to visit many years later, too much pain).

#grajewo #poland #nazis

Last updated 2 years ago