Remember, every single time you correct someone’s grammar and spelling and punctuation errors you are actually being a ableist.
It’s not funny or cute and you just look like a massive dick.
As some people don’t even have the luxury of “normal” learning skills.
#dyslexia #dyslexiclife #ableism #grammarnazi #thinkbeforeacting #boostme
@maxormark @nayele18maybe oh dear, you really opened yourself up for this one... it's #grammarnazi not #grammernazi
#ackchyually #grammernazi #grammarnazi
@wortspielfettgesicht so geht das nicht. So redet man nicht mit einem #GrammarNazi!
I'm not a #GrammarNazi but ...
if you use #punctuation people might actually understand what the fuck you're trying to say a little bit easier!
#grammar #punctuation #grammarnazi
@enduser :) Yeah, I sort of figured, but was cringeing at the potential debate about "Is not racist!" "Is too!" "Is not!" due to the ambiguous parsing of the text. Wanted to protect my forehead from too many facepalms. Sorry to be a wet blanket. We now return to our usual sense of humour...
Reminds me of one of my pet peeves (you did not commit this; "typo" just reminded me):
using "typo" (typographical error) to mean "spelling mistake".
Typo means you knew the correct spelling but it came out wrong because of an unintentional error in typing (or packing the movable type, in old printing press, where this term originated).
If you consistently put "effect" instead of "affect", that's not a typo. You just can't spell.
I was reading a bleacher report article this morning about underperforming MLB teams. The writing is so awful that i found it distracting. How do these people have jobs in journalism? Maybe allowing stat geeks to write is a bad idea? @bleacherreport
By the way, I could’ve chosen any portion of the article and found a similar disaster. People speak incorrectly, learn the rules of grammar and avoid “trusting your ear”. #grammarnazi #grammar
Suffixes help label the part of speech of a word, so I have no problem with getting an invitation, just an invite.
There will always be lazy people in the world, and there will always be a place for those who show how it's supposed to be done.
Hi. Don't mind me. I appreciate your contributions in making the FediVerse that much better.
I'm just responding to a need to express myself in a manner consistent with my being, so you should probably just ignore the next paragraph.
Okay, all done. We now return to our regular programming.
@Alexia_Powderr Haber si dejamos de confundir el verbo estar con el ser, no estás guapa, ERES guapa.
#grammarnazi @aversinoscomportamos
Italians who use English and other foreign words in official communications could face fines under a newly introduced bill introduced by the the right-wing party led by Italy’s Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni
The first article of the legislation guarantees that even in offices that deal with non Italian-speaking foreigners, Italian must be the primary language used.
Under the proposed law, the Culture Ministry would establish a committee whose remit would include “correct use of the Italian language and its pronunciation” in schools, media, commerce and advertising.
This would mean that saying “bru-shetta” instead of “bru-sketta” could be a punishable offense.
#italy #fascism #english #italian #grammarnazi #politics
@Blanco @StillIRise1963
I like thongs too LOL
#GrammarRepublican It isn't nice to call them #GrammarNazi
#grammarrepublican #grammarnazi
Oui. Cela fait partie du cahier des charges minimaliste de la logorrhée: l'écrire sans réflexion, ni relecture.
À noter que les bévues orthographiques, grammaticales ou syntaxiques repérées par les lecteurs, permettent de constater, non sans une certaine satisfaction, que notre bouse indigeste à été lue.
She MIGT also want to date an English teacher.
#GrammarNazi #English #Grammar
#grammarnazi #english #grammar
@dainis #failedgrammarnazi the best #grammarnazi ;)
Izskatās, ka abi der.
cc vietējo ekspertu @laumapret
#failedgrammarnazi #grammarnazi