50+ Music · @50years
58 followers · 8944 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Constant Craving" is a song written by Canadian singer-songwriter and , performed by lang and included on her second solo album, (1992). The song was released in the United Kingdom in April 1992 and won lang a in the category for in 1993, as well as an for . "Constant Craving" peaked at number eight on Canada's Top Singles chart.

#kdlang #benmink #ingenue #grammyaward #bestfemalepopvocalperformance #mtvvideomusicaward #bestfemalevideo #rpm

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
56 followers · 8774 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Last Dance" is a song by singer from the to the 1978 film . released it the album's second on July 2, 1978. The song was written by , co-produced by Summer's regular collaborators and , and by -winning , whose are featured in the recording. "Last Dance" was a commercial.

#american #donnasummer #soundtrackalbum #thankgoditsfriday #casablancarecords #single #pauljabara #giorgiomoroder #petebellotte #mixed #grammyaward #producer #stephenshort #backingvocals

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
54 followers · 8235 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Everybody's Talkin' (Echoes)" is a song written and recorded by American singer-songwriter in 1966 and released two years later. A version of the song performed by American singer-songwriter became a hit in 1969, reaching No. 6 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and winning a after it was featured in the film . The song.

#fredneil #harrynilsson #grammyaward #midnightcowboy

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
48 followers · 7289 posts · Server musicworld.social

"One Hundred Ways" is a 1981 single released from 's album on . The song features on vocals. The song reached number 14 on the U.S. Billboard in 1982. It was a bigger Adult Contemporary hit, reaching number five in the U.S. and number six in Canada. "One Hundred Ways" received the 1982 for .

#quincyjones #thedude #a_mrecords #jamesingram #hot100 #grammyaward #bestr_bvocalperformance

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
44 followers · 6412 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Lyin' Eyes" is a song written by and and recorded in 1975 by the American rock band , with Frey singing lead vocals. It was the second single from their album , reaching No. 2 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and No. 8 on the Billboard chart. It remained their only top 40 country hit until "" in 2007–2008. The Eagles received a for for "Lyin' Eyes".

#donhenley #glennfrey #eagles #oneofthesenights #country #howlong #grammyaward #bestpopvocalperformancebyaduogrouporchorus

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
23 followers · 3502 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Rosanna" is a song written by and performed by the American band Toto, the opening track and the first single from their 1982 album . This song won the for at the . "Rosanna" was also nominated for the award. It is regarded for the half-time shuffle which drummer developed for the song. The groove has become an important staple of drum repertoire.

#davidpaich #rock #totoiv #grammyaward #recordoftheyear #1983ceremony #songoftheyear #jeffporcaro

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
21 followers · 2615 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Constant Craving" is a song written by Canadian singer-songwriter and , performed by lang and included on her second solo album, (1992). The song was released in the United Kingdom in April 1992 and won lang a in the category for in 1993, as well as an for . "Constant Craving" peaked at number eight on Canada's Top Singles chart.

#kdlang #benmink #ingenue #grammyaward #bestfemalepopvocalperformance #mtvvideomusicaward #bestfemalevideo #rpm

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
14 followers · 1583 posts · Server musicworld.social

"When Can I See You" is the fifth single from the Babyface album (1993). Released in 1994, the song became 's highest-charting single on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, peaking at #4. The song also peaked at #6 on the chart and at #35 on the . The song was also found on , released in 2000. The song earned him his first performance for .

#forthecoolinyou #babyface #usr_b #uksingleschart #hisgreatesthitscollection #grammyaward #bestmaler_bvocalperformance

Last updated 1 year ago

50+ Music · @50years
5 followers · 538 posts · Server musicworld.social

"Think of Laura" is a popular song by the American -winning singer-songwriter . Released as a single in late 1983 from Cross's second studio album, , "Think of Laura" became the singer's fourth (and, to date, final) single to reach the Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, where it peaked at No. 9 in early 1984. The song spent eleven weeks in the . In addition.

#grammyaward #christophercross #anotherpage #top40

Last updated 1 year ago

Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
257 followers · 10171 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca

🎧 ❤️ & 's "Cola" (2017).

This track went to the top of 's chart and was nom'd for a 2018 .


#housemusic #London #eddiefm #grammyaward #Dancemusic #billboard #elderbrook #camelphat

Last updated 1 year ago

StefHoBabyDuck · @stefvonsexron
235 followers · 5556 posts · Server mastodon-belgium.be

In 1970 komt de kers op de taart met een voor .
Vanaf 1980 tot aan zijn dood wordt hij door meerdere artiesten geëerd en treed ook nog steeds op, gemiddeld 300 keer per jaar.
In 1988 krijgt hij terug een boost in bekendheid met het nummer met en in 2000 met de nieuwe film.
BB king is één van de grootste voorbeelden voor een hele generatie rockgitaristen, en dat bleek vooral tijdens zijn afscheidstournee en laatste show in 2016.

#grammyaward #thethrillisgone #whenlovecomestotown #U2 #bluesbrothers

Last updated 1 year ago

◀️ 🇳 🇺 🇳 🇩 ▶️ · @nund
231 followers · 2464 posts · Server social.tchncs.de
Queer Lit Cats · @QLC
211 followers · 9339 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca
Neon_Knight · @neonknightoa
277 followers · 5648 posts · Server mastodon.la

30 de mayo de 1964. Nace en en , . Es un músico y politólogo estadounidense integrante de , y ex guitarrista del grupo de rock . Actualmente lidera un proyecto en solitario llamado y una banda junto a llamada . Fue galardonado con el al mejor . Fue elegido por la revista , como uno de los en su artículo “El top 26 de nuevos guitarristas”. Además, ocupa el puesto número 40 en la Lista de los 100 guitarristas más grandes de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone.

#TomMorello #nuevayork #estadosunidos #ProphetsOfRage #RageAgainstTheMachine #Audioslave #thenightwatchman #bootsriley #streetsweepersocialclub #grammyaward #guitarrista #rollingstone #guitarristas #rock #metal #hardrock #raprock #rapmetal

Last updated 1 year ago

Neon_Knight · @neonknightoa
277 followers · 5648 posts · Server mastodon.la

30 de mayo de 1964. Nace en en , . Es un músico y politólogo estadounidense integrante de , y ex guitarrista del grupo de rock . Actualmente lidera un proyecto en solitario llamado y una banda junto a llamada . Fue galardonado con el al mejor . Fue elegido por la revista , como uno de los en su artículo “El top 26 de nuevos guitarristas”. Además, ocupa el puesto número 40 en la Lista de los 100 guitarristas más grandes de todos los tiempos según la revista Rolling Stone.

#TomMorello #nuevayork #estadosunidos #ProphetsOfRage #RageAgainstTheMachine #Audioslave #thenightwatchman #bootsriley #streetsweepersocialclub #grammyaward #guitarrista #rollingstone #guitarristas #rock #metal #hardrock #raprock #rapmetal

Last updated 1 year ago

The Hindu :press: · @the_hindu
117 followers · 796 posts · Server press.coop

On a roll since winning his third in February this year, is now launching a performing arts school in , writes @ShailajaKhanna for


#grammyaward #rickykej #bengaluru #fridayreview #press

Last updated 1 year ago

The Hindu :press: · @the_hindu
117 followers · 804 posts · Server press.coop

On a roll since winning his third in February this year, is now launching a performing arts school in , writes @ShailajaKhanna for


#grammyaward #rickykej #bengaluru #fridayreview #press

Last updated 1 year ago

Democracy Spot aka "Eddie" · @DemocracySpot
355 followers · 3714 posts · Server mstdn.social