The humans are coming to dinner. Grand Elder Tashmin has put you in charge of catering.
#WritingPrompt #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #HFY #FromTheMuseTumblr #GrandElderTashmin
#writingprompt #humansarespaceorcs #hfy #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin
Grand Elder Tashmin is worried that someone is trying to kill the humans. Security has found capsaicinoids in the food coating called “hot sauce”.
#WritingPrompt #HumansAreSpaceOrcs #HFY #FromTheMuseTumblr #GrandElderTashmin
#writingprompt #humansarespaceorcs #hfy #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin
Grand Elder Tashmin is worried. He has heard the young humans whispering that The Saint of Claws is coming.
#writingprompt #fromthemusetumblr #grandeldertashmin