Gizmodo: Ashley Eckstein Says Watching Clone Wars and Rebels Is Going to Matter for Ahsoka #entertainmentculture #starwarstheclonewars #joliehoangrappaport #mattwebbmitovich #fictionalcyborgs #planetoftheapes #grandinquisitor #ashleyeckstein #starwarsahsoka #kennethbranagh #themonkeyking #dwaynejohnson #andrewkishino #stephaniehsu #barbieduring #gretagerwig #benwheatley #kunoinghram #callumdrift #andrewpang
#entertainmentculture #starwarstheclonewars #joliehoangrappaport #mattwebbmitovich #fictionalcyborgs #planetoftheapes #grandinquisitor #ashleyeckstein #starwarsahsoka #kennethbranagh #themonkeyking #dwaynejohnson #andrewkishino #stephaniehsu #barbieduring #gretagerwig #benwheatley #kunoinghram #callumdrift #andrewpang
El 6 de junio de 1963 nace el actor Jason Isaacs, el Gran Inquisidor en Rebels.
On June 6, 1963, actor Jason Isaacs, the Grand Inquisitor in Rebels, was born.
#StarWarsRebels #grandinquisitor #JasonIsaacs #starwars
The excellent Grand Inquisitor from the 'Obi Wan Kenobi’ series. Pencil under-drawing and final personal sketch card.
Illustrated on a 2.5 X 3.5inch 300gsm card with watercolour pencil, acrylic paint, polychromo pencils and a white gel pen.
#LucasFilm #GrandInquisitor #ObiWanKenobi #StarWarsFan #RupertFriend #SketchCards #Disney #MayTheForceBeWithYou #Jedi #WjsIllustration #CloneWars #Sith #Art
#lucasfilm #grandinquisitor #ObiWanKenobi #starwarsfan #rupertfriend #sketchcards #disney #maytheforcebewithyou #jedi #wjsillustration #clonewars #Sith #art