MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
729 followers · 18639 posts · Server
WACOCA · @wacoca
11 followers · 23621 posts · Server
DMZ · @dmz
665 followers · 1914 posts · Server

Wer gerne mal in der Schweiz lesen möchte, wie man die im lobt.
RT @sumlenny
The decision of the Swiss authorities to destroy decommissioned but fully operational and not obsolete air defence systems instead of deliver/sell them to Ukraine is like a decision to destroy bread amid famine. It is way more than just coldness or lack of e…

#grandiose #schweiz #ausland #totalversagen #wahrnehmungsdefizit #bildungskrise #egoismus #neutralitat

Last updated 2 years ago

Shrink4Men · @Shrink4Men
6 followers · 28 posts · Server

Prosecuting and other opportunistic perjurers doesn’t discourage real victims from coming forward to report and . It discourages and disincentivizes other malicious liars and forms of (e.g., , , and variety pack individuals).

The really crazy ones (i.e., entitled to the point of being delusional, pathologically and believers of their own bullshit/not-a-victim victimhood) will still falsely accuse even after having their lies disproven (see ).

All persons who make should be forever flagged in law enforcement and court databases. They should also be required to prove their claims with tangible evidence before ex parte restraining orders and arrests can be made.

The real victims of are the . Not the characterologically disturbed (people with bad character) and pathological liars who falsely report abuse for attention, revenge, money, celebrity and other kinds of personal gain.

Consequences matter.

#falseaccusers #abuse #sexualassault #crazy #npd #bpd #hpd #clusterb #grandiose #amberheard #falseallegation #falseallegations #falselyaccused #abusehasnogender #mentoo #narcissist #borderline #histrionic

Last updated 2 years ago

postier rouge et noir · @gogoitz
227 followers · 2905 posts · Server

C'est sûr que vous avez érigé le fait de s'incliner est pour vous un sacerdoce de tous les instants... Vous n'auriez pas pu choisir un meilleur mot.


Last updated 5 years ago

Juan A. Zamarripa [E.] · @jaze
109 followers · 3498 posts · Server