Fulton County prosecutors want to protect #Trump #trial #jury after #doxxing threats
Users on #FarRight platforms & a #Russian-hosted website exposed personal information about #GrandJurors, DA #FaniWillis, her staff & family members
#trump #trial #jury #doxxing #farright #russian #grandjurors #faniwillis
The FCSO said in a statement that it was aware of online #threats against #GrandJurors & was working w/other agencies to track down their origin. It did not answer inquiries about whether any #jurors had reported #harassment.
…Media Matters… collected other messages posted on one online board that included threats of #violence against the jurors & called the list of their names & addresses a “hit list.”
#Trump #Criminal #Law #JuryTampering #DomesticTerror #Security
#threats #grandjurors #jurors #harassment #violence #trump #criminal #law #jurytampering #domesticterror #security
Officials Investigate #Threats Against #Trump #GrandJurors in #Georgia
The #FultonCounty Sheriff’s Office said Thurs that it was investigating online threats against the grand #jurors who voted this week to #indict Trump & 18 others, accusing them of #conspiring to overturn Georgia’s #2020election results.
#JuryTampering #law #criminal #obstruction #DomesticTerrorism
#threats #trump #grandjurors #georgia #fultoncounty #jurors #indict #conspiring #2020election #jurytampering #law #criminal #obstruction #domesticterrorism