Cork in the snow in 1947.
Two photos this time. One of people clearing the snow from the pavement on Academy Street in 1947, the harshest winter in modern times in Ireland.
And in stark contrast, another of people enjoying the snow on Grand Parade in 1947. Looks like they’re in the middle of a snowball fight!
#snow #Sneachta #Cork #Ireland #OldPhotosOfCork #AcademyStreet #GrandParade
#snow #sneachta #cork #ireland #oldphotosofcork #academystreet #grandparade
730. Henry spotted the reflection of the ferris wheel in this parked car on the Grand Parade in Cork.
#Cork #Ireland #photo
#FerrisWheel #GrandParade #reflection
#cork #ireland #photo #photography #ferriswheel #grandparade #reflection #streetphotography
Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral seen in the background behind the Ferris Wheel on Grand Parade in Cork.
#cork #ferrisWheel #grandParade #ireland #longExposure #photos #SaintFinBarresCathedral #sonyA7iii
#cork #ferriswheel #grandparade #ireland #longexposure #photos #saintfinbarrescathedral #sonya7iii
As seen in a previous photo of the Ferris Wheel on the Grand Parade in Cork, the crystall ball that Henry brought along was a very useful prop.
Here we are at the top of the car park looking down on the big wheel. It surrounds the crystal ball, but the wheel itself can be seen upside down in the ball.
#cork #crystalBall #ferrisWheel #grandParade #ireland #longExposure #photos #sonyA7iii
#cork #crystalball #ferriswheel #grandparade #ireland #longexposure #photos #sonya7iii
The Ferris wheel on Grand Parade in Cork last night, a freezing December evening. The whole scene is twisted upside down in a small crystal ball.
I wish I'd brought gloves. My fingers were freezing!
Thanks Henry for all the help, and the crystal ball!
#BigWheel #cork #CrystalBall #FerrisWheel #GrandParade #Ireland #LightTrails #LongExposure #photos #SonyA7iii #StreetPhotography
#bigwheel #cork #crystalball #ferriswheel #grandparade #ireland #lighttrails #longexposure #photos #sonya7iii #streetphotography
A very cold winter in 1945. Grand Parade covered in snow.
Boost if you like it!
#Cork #Ireland #OldPhotosOfCork #Snow #GrandParade #MastoDaoine
#cork #ireland #oldphotosofcork #snow #grandparade #mastodaoine
Very timely. I just noticed this walking along #GrandParade #Brighton. There is standing water next to the kerb - it's not running into the gulley, despite heavy rain. Does this mean the gulley is slightly higher than the kerb? It definitely means people walking are getting sprayed by passing vehicles. @NickOrman @RantyHighwayman @davewalker