City Council gives the green light to a revamped Grand Street design which now includes a separated, two-way bikeway from Shore Line Drive to Clement Avenue. Karin K. Jensen also reports that both the RESHAP and West Midway housing projects are moving forward.
#biking #reshap #alameda #CityCouncil #GrandStreet #AlamedaPoint #HousingElement #OperationDignity #AffordableHousing #WestMidwayProject #ActiveTransportationPlan #LowStressBackboneNetwork
#biking #reshap #alameda #citycouncil #grandstreet #alamedapoint #housingelement #operationdignity #affordablehousing #westmidwayproject #activetransportationplan #lowstressbackbonenetwork
What happened to the historic event space called Harmonie Hall on Paru Street? Join award-winning historian Dennis Evanosky for May 28 or June 3 walking tours to learn about Determining Architectural Styles and The Mystery of Harmonie Hall.
#alameda #history #GeorgeGunn #ParuStreet #GrandStreet #FelixWirbser #HarmonieHall #AlamedaMuseum #CentralAvenue #CottageStreet #HorsecarLines #FasskingsResort #SantaClaraAvenue #ArchitecturalStyles
#alameda #history #georgegunn #parustreet #grandstreet #felixwirbser #harmoniehall #alamedamuseum #centralavenue #cottagestreet #horsecarlines #fasskingsresort #santaclaraavenue #architecturalstyles
The City has identified the Grand Street corridor as a high priority for pavement improvements and is considering adding safety features to the road. Make your voice heard about how the City should improve the street at the Community Workshop on Wednesday May 31.
#alameda #community #GrandStreet #construction #CityOfAlameda #CommunityMeeting #TransportationCommission #GrandStreetResurfacingAndSafetyImprovementProject
#alameda #community #grandstreet #construction #cityofalameda #communitymeeting #transportationcommission #grandstreetresurfacingandsafetyimprovementproject
Before the downfall of Fassking's Gardens, Louis Fassking was a fervent participant in the fierce debates surrounding horsecar lines. Steve Gorman tells the surprising yet familiar tale of the battles surrounding public transportation in the 1800s.
#Alameda #Railroad #EagleAvenue #GrandStreet #GrandStation #MinturnCourt #LincolnAvenue #LouisFassking #FasskingsResort #AlamedaTreasures #MarcuseAndRemmel #SantaClaraAvenue #AlamedaOaklandAndPiedmontRailroad
#alameda #Railroad #eagleavenue #grandstreet #grandstation #minturncourt #lincolnavenue #louisfassking #fasskingsresort #alamedatreasures #marcuseandremmel #santaclaraavenue #alamedaoaklandandpiedmontrailroad
After Fassking's Hotel closed, Marcuse & Remmel entered into Alameda real estate and quickly became the most prolific builders of their time. Steve Gorman reveals how this partnership—which blossomed in the 1890s—left beautiful fingerprints all around the island that we can still see today.
#Alameda #LincolnAve #WoodyMinor #GrandStreet #GrandStation #MastickCourt #MinturnCourt #NeptuneBeach #AlamedaMuseum #LouisFassking #AlamedaTreasure #FasskingsResort
#alameda #lincolnave #woodyminor #grandstreet #grandstation #mastickcourt #minturncourt #neptunebeach #alamedamuseum #louisfassking #alamedatreasure #fasskingsresort
After Fassking’s Hotel and Gardens closed, the buildings were moved and repurposed. Steve Gorman details the moving process and Grand Station's subsequent transformation into a beautiful residential neighborhood following the loss of the hotel.
#Alameda #WoodyMinor #EagleAvenue #GrandStreet #UnionStreet #FelixMarcuse #GrandStation #JuliusRemmel #MinturnCourt #WalterSueell #EncinalAvenue #LouisFassking #StanfordStreet #AlamedaTreasure #FasskingsResort #SantaClaraAvenue
#alameda #woodyminor #eagleavenue #grandstreet #unionstreet #felixmarcuse #grandstation #juliusremmel #minturncourt #waltersueell #encinalavenue #louisfassking #stanfordstreet #alamedatreasure #fasskingsresort #santaclaraavenue
We continue the tour of Alameda's hospitality at Fassking’s Hotel and Gardens at Grand Station, once the largest hotel in town. Steve Gorman tells the story of a fire so devastating that guests had to leave the hotel without time for 'titivating chignons.'
#Alameda #GrandStreet #GrandStation #MaryFassking #LouisFassking #AlamedaTreasure #FasskingsResort #PoschwitzsGarden #VogesCentralGarden
#alameda #grandstreet #grandstation #maryfassking #louisfassking #alamedatreasure #fasskingsresort #poschwitzsgarden #vogescentralgarden
Alameda's Grand Station commercial district has been a hub of activity for almost 160 years. Travel back in time with Steve Gorman to learn about Fassking's resort, the former railroad station, surrounding amenities, and attractions.
#Alameda #Encinal #Railroad #GrandStreet #GrandStation #LincolnAvenue #LouisFasskings #AlamedaTreasure #FasskingsResort #SanFrancisco&OaklandRailroad
#alameda #encinal #Railroad #grandstreet #grandstation #lincolnavenue #louisfasskings #alamedatreasure #fasskingsresort #sanfrancisco
The #amalgamatedclothingworkers built #hillmancoops for its workers on #grandstreet on the #les #nyc when unions built housing rather than garbage like Las Vegas casinos
#amalgamatedclothingworkers #hillmancoops #grandstreet #les #nyc