Today's Sketch a Day prompt was "sector" which... what kind of prompt is that?!
So I decided to commit a #GraphCrime.
(I was mostly just in a mood to color, but starting work tomorrow, my students and their addiction to comfort pie charts are on my mind.)
Aina välillä #VM:n julkaisema diagrammi tulee mieleen. Nyt sen innoitti vastaavasta vaivasta kärsivä diagrammi, jonka @futurebird (englanniksi) tuuttasi (
Näyttää siltä, että avoimia työpaikkoja olisi ollut koko ajan enemmän kuin työttömiä työnhakijoita, mutta pystyakselien suuruusluokat ovat erit.
Muistaakseni kuva poistettiin pikaisesti, kun yleisö kommentoi tätä epäselvää viestiä.
@stlouisfed posted this graph crime over at the birdsite. The psychology of authors of such graphs fascinates me. #graphcrime #badgraphs
What kind of sadist makes a Venn diagram like this? Some sections are labelled "?", like it's a quiz! #GraphCrime
"worst examples of a #DatavizFail #GraphCrime" seems a bit overstated to me. it's more on the funny side imho. but I agree that careful reviewing/editing should not have let it pass.
see tomorrow's post in Small Things Considered (
@ct_bergstrom the real #GraphCrime is using a bar plot for a statistic that doesn't represent count or proportion data.
Yesterday in my BIO/INFO 270 class I lectured about predatory publishing. Whether or not you think Hindawi falls into that category, they need to be doing a much better job of vetting the articles they publish.
Via Josemari Feliciano over at twitter, one of the worst examples of a #DatavizFail #GraphCrime that I've ever seen from this paper:
Look closely: These are not error bars. They are literally the typeset letter "T" placed atop each bar in the bar graph.
Yesterday I lectured about predatory publishing. Whether or not you think Hindawi falls into that category, they certainly could be a doing a much better job of vetting the articles they publish.
Via Josemari Feliciano over at twitter, one of the worst examples of a #DatavizFail #GraphCrime that I've ever seen from this paper:
Look closely: These are not error bars. They are literally the typeset letter "T" placed atop each bar in the bar graph.
#dataviz #graphcrime #datavizfail
Yesterday I lectured about predatory publishing. Whether or not you think Hindawi falls into that category, they certainly could be a doing a much better job of vetting the articles they publish.
Via Josemari Feliciano over at twitter, one of the worst examples of a #DatavizFail #GraphCrime that I've ever seen from this paper:
These are not error bars. They are literally the typeset letter "T" placed atop each bar in the bar graph.
#dataviz #graphcrime #datavizfail