GraphicsMagick is the swiss army knife of image processing.
It provides a robust and efficient collection of tools and libraries which support reading, writing, and manipulating an image in over 92 major formats including important formats like DPX, GIF, JPEG, JPEG-2000, JXL, PNG, PDF, PNM, TIFF, and WebP.
If you're using #graphicsmagick and read about the latest ImageMagick PNG CVEs you'll be happy to hear that GM is NOT affected. 👏 🐸
Any #graphicsmagick experts here? After upgrading the following command throws an error:
gm convert -size 1920x300 xc:blue -draw 'image Over 0,0 0,0 forecast1.png' forecast.png
The error is:
gm convert: Non-conforming drawing primitive definition (image).
The same format worked before. Size "0,0" should mean that the forecast1.png image is not scaled but it does not work in this version.
@mathr Thanks for the suggestion. I figured out how to do it in #GraphicsMagick (#ImageMagick clone/replacement) and now I have a Script.
Adding CC Images To Photos
#photo,#embed,#add,#creativecommonslogo,#linux #graphicsmagick,#editing,#manipulation,#bash,#commands,
#photo #embed #add #creativecommonslogo #linux #graphicsmagick #editing #manipulation #bash #commands #media #copyleft #attribute #share #alike #sharealike #commons #freedom
I've been making a bunch of #BoardGame DIY resources recently, which entails rearranging and stitching graphics around. #FreeSoftware lets me do all my powerful complex editing.
Interactive graphics editing tools get a lot of love. Less well known, the #CommandLine tools for manipulating these documents.
I am #ThursdayThankful for #GraphicsMagick to let me figure out any manipulation I want and then automatically do it to an entire folder full of image files.
#boardgame #freesoftware #commandline #thursdaythankful #graphicsmagick