This is a great comic about the hidden histories and the wonders of scientific discovery. It is both a wonderful piece of #GraphicScience and a piece of #GraphicWitness. Add it to your list of #ScienceCommunication.
#sciencecommunication #graphicwitness #graphicscience
This is a really excellent comic about the history of science. It encapsulates the wonders and the hidden stories of scientific discovery. Both a work of #GraphicScience and #GraphicWitness Add to your #ScienceCommunication list.
#sciencecommunication #graphicwitness #graphicscience
Supplementary #introduction
I’m currently writing a book called Comics and Communication for the University Press of Mississippi. The subtitle is Graphic Storytelling from Activism to Science. It focuses on #GraphicScience #GraphicMedicine #GraphicJustice & what I think I’ll call #GraphicWitness (a combination of comics journalism & historical comics). I’m also looking to develop a funded project translating a variety of academic work at the University of Auckland into the medium of #comics.
#comics #graphicwitness #graphicjustice #GraphicMedicine #graphicscience #introduction