For €3 today I bought a Graphis book about editorial / magazine design from 1992. It has fascinating long sections in his computers will change everything, and endless examples of early 90s, pre-Carson and grunge cool. It even had didone fonts as body text, because 90s #design #graphis #graphicDesign
#design #graphis #graphicdesign
Two oribatid mites (I think) on a graffiti lichen (Graphis sp.). Probably lichenivorous. I read that one species of beetle mites uses a special secretion to induce lichens to grow over their eggs. Nice trick. New Paltz, NY. #arachnid #mites #nature #lichen #Graphis #Orobatida #LichenSubscribe
#arachnid #mites #nature #lichen #graphis #orobatida #LichenSubscribe
I think this might be Graphis scripta, a crustose graffiti lichen, but there are several lookalikes so I'm not positive. The lirellae (linear, furrowed apothecia) remind me of chromosomes. Growing on smooth bark in dense shade. New Paltz, NY. #Graphis #lichen #nature #fungi #LichenSubscribe
#graphis #lichen #nature #fungi #LichenSubscribe
Graphis 160, 1972. Cover design by Visual Group of the Olympic Games 1972. #graphis #olympicsdesign #72olympics #otlaicher #graphicdesign (via DesignReviewed on twitter)
#graphis #olympicsdesign #72olympics #otlaicher #graphicdesign