Would it be churlish of me to wish sudden laryngitis upon Mary Anne Hobbs so I can selfishly continue to listen to 6 Music? #grating 🤔
I found this artifact while rooting through a cabinet for cooking ware. Precursor of the food processor. Now in my donation pile.
#kitchenTool #FoodProcessor #cookware #grating #cooking
#kitchentool #foodprocessor #cookware #grating #cooking
Any image can be reconstructed from a series of sinusoidal gratings.
A sinusoidal grating looks like this…
looking down on your screen...
#lookingdown #grating #hands #reaching #scare #animatedgif
looking down on your screen...
#lookingdown #grating #hands #reaching #scare #animatedgif
looking down on your screen...
#lookingdown #grating #hands #reaching #scare #animatedgif
wave em like you just don't care...
#hands #grating #zombies #walking #smartphone #startle #frighten #animatedgif
#grating #walking #smartphone #startle #frighten #animatedgif
wave em like you just don't care...
#hands #grating #zombies #walking #smartphone #startle #frighten #animatedgif
#grating #walking #smartphone #startle #frighten #animatedgif