Here is the daily note template I've settled into over the past month. I'm a new Obsidian note user. It's been very grounding. Also reinforces meetings/appointments/shit to do, because I retype them here each morning. Often I start with the #gratitde section, because it settles me down. I just stream of consciousness list things. Soup. Warm socks. m&ms. When the kids are in nice moods. Don't always use every section. That's fine. Obsidian is kinda heavy for just this, but for some reason, having this outside of emacs is critical. Working on syncing it with #syncthing across 2 Ubuntu devices and and Android. Maybe one day I'll post about that. Maybe not.
#adhd #ADHD #obsidian #obsidiannotes #dailynotes #habits #meds
#gratitde #syncthing #adhd #obsidian #obsidiannotes #DailyNotes #habits #meds
A very happy American Thanksgiving to all! I'm grateful this Thanksgiving to have supportive, non-capitalistic online spaces to connect with others and for all that had made me the person I am today. #thanksgiving #gratitde
I don’t celebrate thanksgiving to honor the pilgrims and indians. I celebrate it as a day of gratitude. What and who I am grateful for. So far I am grateful for the new friends I met on #mastadon I never would have met at the birdsite. May we laugh, drink, and if you toke…toke! #gratitde #thanksgiving
#mastadon #gratitde #thanksgiving
The #selfcare talk went well. All participants were guided through a couple of simple exercises during which they were able to connect with their essential nature as well as letting go of current upsets.
We received enough in donations from the 8 participants to fund a visit to a jazz gig tomorrow.