This week’s #GRATITUESDAY is brought to you by the letter F.
What are you #grateful for today?
#Fresh #FlexTime #FreeLittleLibrary #LittleFreeLibrary #FreeBooks #FilmProcessing #FilmPhotography #FilmIsNotDead #FourLeafClover #GratitudeJournal #Gratitude #GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #RecoveryPosse @recoveryposse #OneDayAtATime #ODAAT #Wellbeing
#grateful #wellbeing #odaat #onedayatatime #recoveryposse #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #gratitude #gratitudejournal #fourleafclover #filmisnotdead #filmphotography #filmprocessing #freebooks #littlefreelibrary #freelittlelibrary #FlexTime #fresh #gratituesday
This week’s #GRATITUESDAY is brought to you by the letter M.
What are you #grateful for today?
#GratitudeJournal #Gratitude #GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #RecoveryPosse @recoveryposse
#OneDayAtATime #ODAAT
#Wellbeing #moms #mentors #moviemakers #myopia #mercuryretrograde #mercuryinmicrowave
#mercuryinmicrowave #mercuryretrograde #Myopia #moviemakers #mentors #moms #wellbeing #odaat #onedayatatime #recoveryposse #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #gratitude #gratitudejournal #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for sharing resources, solving problems, and finding solidarity.
What are you #grateful for today?
#GratitudeJournal #Gratitude #GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #RecoveryPosse #OneDayAtATime #ODAAT #Wellbeing #PhysicalTherapy #BuyNothing #UnionStrong #Solidarity #WorkerProtections #TravelAgent #HaveYouTriedUnpluggingItAndPluggingItBackInAgain?
#haveyoutriedunpluggingitandpluggingitbackinagain #TravelAgent #workerprotections #solidarity #unionstrong #BuyNothing #physicaltherapy #wellbeing #odaat #onedayatatime #recoveryposse #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #gratitude #gratitudejournal #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for situations that get re-righted and smoothed out after going a bit scraggly or sideways.
What are you #grateful for today?
#GratitudeJournal #Gratitude #GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #RecoveryPosse @recoveryposse #OneDayAtATime #ODAAT #Wellbeing #ShopLocal #ShopSmall #SupportSmallBusiness #LetsGoWarriors #DubNation
#dubnation #letsgowarriors #supportsmallbusiness #shopsmall #shoplocal #wellbeing #odaat #onedayatatime #recoveryposse #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #gratitude #gratitudejournal #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for little weekend getaways with a lot of heart.
What are you #grateful for today?
#Gratitude #GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #RecoveryPosse #OneDayAtATime #ODAAT #Wellbeing #Highway1 #CaliforniaCoast #ChosenFamily #GlutenFree #Empanadas #BoardGames #Othello #Dachshund
#dachshund #othello #boardgames #empanadas #glutenfree #chosenfamily #californiacoast #highway1 #wellbeing #odaat #onedayatatime #recoveryposse #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #gratitude #gratitudejournal #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY BONUS: I have now discovered #Mosstodon and #LichenSubscribe 😆💛
#gratituesday #lichensubscribe #Mosstodon
#GRATITUESDAY for delightful extras and unanticipated caring/sharing.
What are you #grateful for today?
#CouponCode #DiscountDiva #Woodpecker #Owl #Moss #Patience #BestPictureNominee
#bestpicturenominee #patience #moss #owl #woodpecker #discountdiva #couponcode #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for the immeasurable #generosity of the #sesshin (#meditation intensive) I recently sat.
What are YOU #grateful for today?
#toothpaste #buddhism #mahayana #sotozen #zen #grateful #meditation #sesshin #generosity #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for guidance, warmth, and delight plus the immeasurable power of #performingarts.
What are you #grateful for today?
#gratitude #gratitudejournal #onedayatatime #odaat #comedy #theatre #music #muses #creativity @recoveryposse
#creativity #muses #music #theatre #comedy #odaat #onedayatatime #gratitudejournal #gratitude #grateful #performingarts #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for squeaky shoe sportball and flaming fabulosity; for options during downpours and perfectly timed sunbreaks; for imagined adventures becoming real.
What are you #grateful for today?
#tulips #MarchMadness #rideshare #LittleLuxuries #sunbreaks #AtmosphericRiver
#atmosphericriver #sunbreaks #littleluxuries #rideshare #marchmadness #tulips #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for fullness and ease, for deep sleep and waking up, for spacious afternoons and cozy nights.
What are you #grateful for today?
#GratitudeTuesday #GratitudeDay #gratitudejournal #gratitude #fullmoon #onedayatatime #wellbeing #nooch
#nooch #wellbeing #onedayatatime #fullmoon #gratitude #gratitudejournal #GratitudeDay #gratitudetuesday #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for that which warms the body and mind, for sangha (community) support, and simple tactile pleasures.
What are you #grateful for today?
#zen #zazen #sangha #accountability #coaching #fountainpens #newmexico #greenchile #traintravel #gratitude #GratitudeTuesday
#gratitudetuesday #gratitude #TrainTravel #greenchile #newmexico #fountainpens #coaching #accountability #sangha #zazen #zen #grateful #gratituesday
#GRATITUESDAY for gifts near and far, new and old, shiny and simple — each in its own way deeply infused with love.
What are you #grateful for today?
#GRATITUESDAY Yesterday I was sober for the 6,574th day in a row. Much of what I’m grateful for is directly tied to this repeating 24-hour practice of not picking up a drink or drug. I do not do this alone — countless others have extended to me immeasurable support over the past 18 years — may I, in turn, be part of why someone is #sober and #grateful in the days ahead.
#EasyDoesIt #recovery #onedayatatime #grateful #sober #gratituesday
I see lots of #tuesday tags. I'd love to see #gratituesday get started. The attitude of #gratitude is so important.
What are you grateful for today?
For me, my 86 year old grandmother has come down with COVID. I'm so thankful she seems to be doing well and is recovering without hospital intervention.
#gratituesday #tuesday #gratitude