Leg-shattering ride today. Fantastic gravel. The busted vehicle is emblematic. #gravelbike #gravelrides #cycling #cyclinglife
#gravelbike #gravelrides #cycling #cyclinglife
I made the trip from #canberra to the coast this weekend - almost 200km. We rode from Canberra to the ex-goldrush town of Araluen on Friday - brutal climbs, sketchy descents, bottomless potholes, dense bush and open plains. A great day in the saddle was finished with dinner (rissoles, chips and lots of gravy) and a bed at the Araluen Pub.
The next day was Araluen to Moruya through the Deua National Park. An early start on a cool morning saw us riding in the shadow of the mountain with kangaroos bouncing down the road ahead of us. Impenetrable roadblocks (which we only just managed to penetrate), disintegrating roads and mile after mile of beautiful Aussie bush. Fish n chips in Moruya were made to disappear and a headwind to Tomakin alongside the crashing ocean finished us off.
A really great trip with two good friends.
#canberra #cycling #gravelrides
54km pub tootle on the gravel bikes with @brena. Mint day and she snapped this groovy ride shot of me.😍See more of her excellent photography at www.brena.nz
Aiming for a 200km pathway/gravel event in Feb. Fancy joining us in Hawke’s Bay for this epic thrash fest? See here for details and to order your dead cool PATHIMUS MAXIMUS jersey.😎
Chugged around 71km of limestone pathways on the gravel bike in balmy weather. One lot of cows (there are many cows on cycle pathways in NZ) was so docile I suspected them of being on cow-tranquillisers. This individual in particular.
Todays ride. #cycling #GravelRides #NorthOtago Completed the other side of the loop ride from yesterday. This part goes through a farm. Still technically a public road but not really. Gates to negotiate and more grass, clay and dirt than gravel but peaceful.
#cycling #gravelrides #NorthOtago
A selection of sweet, sweet Hawke’s Bay gravel from a recent ride. Butter-smooth, holy grail dirt heaven. 100km, 1400vm, EPIC. 😍#gravelrides
My ride this morning included a lot of gravel. Out in North Otago with lots of dogs, farm traffic and a bit of light rain today. #cycling #gravelrides #Otago