A New Way to Measure the Expansion Rate of the Universe: Redshift Drift https://www.universetoday.com/162845/a-new-way-to-measure-the-expansion-rate-of-the-universe-redshift-drift/ #gravitationallensing #redshiftofgalaxies #cosmology
#gravitationallensing #redshiftofgalaxies #cosmology
Gizmodo: Webb Telescope Image Suggests Even the Most Distant Star Has Company https://gizmodo.com/webb-telescope-image-most-distant-star-company-1850726205 #jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
#jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #macsj1149lensedstar1 #hubblespacetelescope #intergalacticstars #technologyinternet #gravitationallens #humaninterest #galaxycluster #brianwelch #whl0137ls #earendel #galaxy #cetus #webb
Why Do #BlackHoles Look Like This?!
#ScienceAsylum #NickLucid #Science #Astrophysics #Physics #GR #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Spacetime #WarpedSpacetime #WarpedSpace #AccretionDisk #Lens #GravitationalLens #GravitationalLensing #Optics #Doppler #Shadow
#shadow #doppler #optics #gravitationallensing #gravitationallens #lens #AccretionDisk #warpedspace #warpedspacetime #spacetime #gravity #generalrelativity #gr #physics #astrophysics #science #nicklucid #scienceasylum #blackholes
Ultra Rare Warped Supernova Creates a Unique Einstein Cross - YouTube
#astronomy #cosmology #gravitationallensing
Astronomers See the Same Supernova Four Times Thanks to a Gravitational Lens https://www.universetoday.com/161936/astronomers-see-the-same-supernova-four-times-thanks-to-a-gravitational-lens/ #verylargetelescope(vlt) #zwickytransientfacility #gravitationallensing #hubblespacetelescope #w.m.keckobservatory #generalrelativity #typeiasupernova #einsteinring #astronomy #supernova #suprenova #featured #snzwicky
#verylargetelescope #zwickytransientfacility #gravitationallensing #hubblespacetelescope #w #generalrelativity #typeiasupernova #EinsteinRing #astronomy #supernova #suprenova #featured #snzwicky
Gravitational lensing is a powerful tool for studying dark matter, the invisible substance that makes up most of the mass in the universe. Gravitational lensing occurs when a massive object bends and magnifies the light from a distant source behind it. By observing how the light is distorted, astronomers can infer the distribution and properties of dark matter.
#GravitationalLensing #DarkMatter #Astronomy
#gravitationallensing #darkmatter #astronomy
Strong #GravitationalLensing by #AGNs as a probe of the #quasar-host relations in the distant Universe: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.01042 -> EPFL scientists have managed to weigh, more precisely than any other technique, a galaxy hosting a quasar, thanks to the fact that it acts as a gravitational lens: https://actu.epfl.ch/news/weigh-a-quasar-s-galaxy-with-precision/ - detection of strong gravitational lensing quasars is expected to multiply with the launch of Euclid this summer.
#quasar #agns #gravitationallensing
Uncovering a population of gravitational lens galaxies with magnified standard candle SN #Zwicky: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-01981-3 -> Rare #GravitationalLensing Warps Light Of Distant #Supernova Into Four Images: https://keckobservatory.org/sn-zwicky
#supernova #gravitationallensing #zwicky
Ars Technica: “Lensed” supernova could shed light on fundamental forces shaping Universe https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947028 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #Hubble'sconstant #darkenergy #DarkMatter #supernovas #astronomy #Science #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #hubble #darkenergy #darkmatter #supernovas #Astronomy #science #physics
“Lensed” supernova could shed light on fundamental forces shaping Universe - Enlarge / Gravitational lensing has revealed a previously unknown super... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1947028 #acceleratinguniverse #gravitationallensing #generalrelativity #hubblesconstant #darkenergy #darkmatter #supernovas #astronomy #science #physics
#physics #science #astronomy #supernovas #darkmatter #darkenergy #hubblesconstant #generalrelativity #gravitationallensing #acceleratinguniverse
Using #gravitationallensing to measure #mass of a #quasar's #galaxy with precision
#gravitationallensing #mass #quasar #galaxy
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-gravitational-lensing-mass-quasar-galaxy.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-gravitational-lensing-mass-quasar-galaxy.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1665711663541108738#m
Using #gravitationallensing to measure mass of a quasar's galaxy with precision @epfl_en @NatureAstronomy https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-023-01982-2 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-gravitational-lensing-mass-quasar-galaxy.html
Thanks to gravitational lensing, astronomers have witnessed a supernova explode five times in a row. This occurs when a massive object bends the light from a distant source. The repeated observations could help measure the expansion rate of the universe.
#supernova #gravitationallensing #cosmology
23-29 April 2023: This week in science: from wound-healing technology and the liquid core of Mars to dark matter investigations and more!
Biochip https://buff.ly/3mYhYr8
Alzheimer's https://buff.ly/3HfaPK1
Mars https://buff.ly/3Nk3CfG
Logjam https://buff.ly/41LMh3o
Einstein rings https://buff.ly/3oKwxiR
Andes https://buff.ly/3V3JK23
#health #WoundHealing #electricity #bioelectronics #Alzheimers #sleep #neuroscience #brain #BrainScience #neurology #space #Mars #MarsCore #SpaceDiscoveries #environment #logjam #CarbonStorage #physics #EinsteinRings #GravitationalLensing #DarkMatter #axions #nature #AndesMountains #TectonicPlates #geology #science #ScienceAlert #STEM
#twis #health #woundhealing #electricity #bioelectronics #alzheimers #sleep #neuroscience #brain #brainscience #neurology #Space #mars #marscore #spacediscoveries #environment #logjam #carbonstorage #physics #einsteinrings #gravitationallensing #darkmatter #axions #Nature #andesmountains #tectonicplates #geology #Science #sciencealert #stem
Does #gravitationallensing reveal #darkmatter's nature? - The best evidence for dark matter is astrophysical and indirect. Do new lensing observations point to ultra-light, wave-like dark matter?
#gravitationallensing #darkmatter
Anomalies in Gravitational-Lensed Images Revealing Einstein Rings Modulated by Wavelike #DarkMatter: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.09895 -> No WIMPS! Heavy particles don’t explain #GravitationalLensing oddities - detailed look at a lensed galaxy favors lighter particles called #axions: https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/04/gravitational-lensing-may-point-to-lighter-dark-matter-candidate/
#axions #gravitationallensing #darkmatter
New look at 'Einstein rings' around distant galaxies just got us closer to solving the dark matter debate
#einsteinrings #darkmatter #galaxies #fundamentalparticle #wimps #axions #einstein #einsteinstheory #gravity #gravitationallensing #amruth
🌌 New #DarkMatter Lecture! 💫 Discover #axions, learn about the #ALPS II experiment & more from the #OpenAccess @DESYnews lecture at https://enabla.com/pub/686/about 🎥
🗣 Don't be shy; ask your questions on Enabla and get answers from the lecturers themselves! Let's learn together!🤩
What is dark matter, and what are some current methods scientists are using to detect it? In this lecture, we explore the topic of this elusive substance that makes up approximately 85% of the matter in the universe. We discuss the evidence for the existence of dark matter, including gravitational lensing and the stability of galaxies, as well as the challenges in detecting it due to its lack of interaction with ordinary matter. We then focus on a particular candidate for dark matter called axions and describe an experiment aimed at detecting them using high-power lasers and strong magnets cooled to extremely low temperatures. The ALPS II experiment will significantly improve the sensitivity to a possible axion signal and could therefore provide crucial insight into the nature of dark matter. We also briefly discuss other methods for detecting dark matter, such as observing astrophysical processes. Finally, we consider the implications of dark matter for our understanding of the universe and the future directions of research in this exciting field. The lecture was given during the DESY Ukraine Winter School in February 2023.
All Enabla lectures are #free & #OpenAccess. Please support us by sharing this post, following our account & asking questions on #Enabla. Thank you!🙏
#Physics #Astrophysics #StandardModel #HighEnergyPhysics #HEP #ParticlePhysics #GravitationalLensing #Cosmology #IAXO
#iaxo #cosmology #gravitationallensing #particlephysics #hep #highenergyphysics #standardmodel #astrophysics #physics #enabla #free #openaccess #alps #axions #darkmatter
This JWST Image Shows Gravitational Lensing at its Finest https://www.universetoday.com/160788/this-jwst-image-shows-gravitational-lensing-at-its-finest/ #jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #gravitationallens #earlygalaxies #starformation #astronomy #featured #galaxies #redshift #jwst #nasa
#jameswebbspacetelescope #gravitationallensing #gravitationallens #earlygalaxies #starformation #astronomy #featured #galaxies #redshift #jwst #nasa
#CosmicVoids should be detectable via their #GravitationalLensing effects.
Check this starting with a floppy-disk sized source snapshot [1].
#Reproducibility is via the #Maneage template of shell+make files.
Full research paper: [2][3][4][5]
[1] https://zenodo.org/record/7792910/files/lensing-e4f7af0-snapshot.tar.gz
[2] Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.00591 #ArXiv_2304_00591
[3] Frozen record: https://zenodo.org/record/7792910
[4] Live git: https://codeberg.org/mpeper/lensing
#openscience #cosmology #arxiv_2304_00591 #maneage #reproducibility #gravitationallensing #cosmicvoids