I'm Aryanne and I live in Utrecht NL together with my partner.
I'm a #GrayAce #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme.
I transitioned in 2017, my egg started to break years earlier and since then I'm actively seeking out queer spaces.
Being forced to stop with my daytime job I had more time to think about how rotten #capitalism and the #ClimateCrisis are and I became an #anarchist and #ClimateActivist following the principles of #ExtinctionRebellion.
I love my #cat @flippie and post his pictures once in a while.
I like good #food, #photography, #art, #opera and a broad varity of #music.
I used to work as software developer and enterprise architect.
I'm #ActuallyAutistic and #BiPolar and probably #cPTSD and #ADHD.
This combination and the stress the world gave me made me broken beyond repair.
Beginning of this year I made an end of life choice, read more about it here:
I mostly post/interact in English, but sometimes in Dutch.
Due to my #dyslexia I will probably edit my post within minutes and it still might not make any sense 🙃
#Introduction #grayace #polyamourous #lesbian #agender #trans #femme #capitalism #ClimateCrisis #Anarchist #climateactivist #ExtinctionRebellion #Cat #food #photography #art #opera #Music #actuallyautistic #bipolar #cptsd #adhd #dyslexia #xr
Liebe aspec-Menschen, in der Online-Umfrage „Unheilbar queer" geht es auch um unsere Erfahrungen.
Bitte macht bei genug Spoons mit, damit auch die Daten von ace & aro Menschen mit erhoben & berücksichtigt werden!
Und wenn genug Menschen aus dem asexuellen und aromantischen Spektrum, teilnehmen, dann ist es den Forschenden unter Umständen möglich eine Gruppenspezifische Auswertung zu machen!
Also an alle, die noch nicht an der Umfrage teilgenommen noch mal die Bitte und Aufforderung das nachzuholen, selbst wenn ihr vielleicht denkt ihr habt noch nie ein "Konversionsangebot" bekommen. Auch solche Informationen sind wichtig für Studien.
Die Befragung richtet sich an Menschen, die sich als lesbisch, schwul, bisexuell, trans*, inter*, queer, nicht-binär, aromantisch, asexuell oder als Teil dieser Community verstehen, die in Deutschland leben oder sich regelmäßig hier aufhalten und mindestens 18 Jahre alt sind.
Mehr Informationen zum Forschungsprojekt auch auf der Homepage: www.befragung-unheilbar-queer.de/
@unheilbar.queer.befragung @mosaikdeutschland #Aktivista #Asexualität #AsexuellesSpektrum #demisexuell #grauasexuell #aceflux #aspec #acespec #asexual #asexuality #demisexual #greysexual #graysexual #grayace #greyace #AceCommunity #AspecCommunity #AceVisibility
#aktivista #asexualitat #asexuellesspektrum #demisexuell #grauasexuell #aceflux #aspec #acespec #asexual #asexuality #demisexual #greysexual #graysexual #grayace #greyace #acecommunity #aspeccommunity #acevisibility
Noch bis zum 31. März könnt ihr Kurzgeschichten mit a*spec Repräsentation für die Anthologie „Beweisstück A – Neue Indizien“ einreichen.
@aktivista_net hat die auf diesen Sharepics schon einige Informationen für euch zusammengefasst und wenn ihr jetzt Lust habt zu schreiben, dann schaut auch hier bei der Ausschreibung auf Carmilla DeWinters Blog vorbei.
#Aktivista #Asexualität #AsexuelleSpektrum #Aromantik #AromantischesSpektrum #demisexuell #graysexuell #greysexuell #Grauasexuell #asexuality #demisexual #aceflux #grayace #greyace #greysexual #graysexual #asexualspectrum #aromanticspectrum #aspec #AceVisibility #queerbookstagram #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany
#aktivista #asexualitat #asexuellespektrum #aromantik #aromantischesspektrum #demisexuell #graysexuell #greysexuell #grauasexuell #asexuality #demisexual #aceflux #grayace #greyace #greysexual #graysexual #asexualspectrum #aromanticspectrum #aspec #acevisibility #queerbookstagram #bookstagram #bookstagramgermany
finally coming to think that my autism "interferes" with figuring out my sexuality, because i fundamentally cannot grok what attraction feels like along different metrics (romantic, sexual, etc.) and compare it to what i personally feel and experience.
especially because those different metrics exist, and sexual attraction is different from libido!
like if there is a person i feel drawn to, i notice that. but it's never "i want to sexually interact with this person" right away. that feels like a deeply strange and uncomfortable thing to ever think about a stranger or acquaintance.
but if someone flirts with me i often respond positively because i like flirting? and there are methods that are more effective than others?
i think i might be demisexual, or aceflux, or something. i just can't tell either way because i still can't wrap my head around what sexual attraction is and whether my experiences would fit the description or not!
also unsure whether im demiromantic or not. eventually i love everyone i get close with but don't NEED a relationship from them.
fuck if i know!
#actuallyAutistic #asexual #asexuality #LGBTQIA #demisexual #grayAce #sexualOrientation #queer
#actuallyautistic #asexual #asexuality #LGBTQIA #demisexual #grayace #sexualorientation #queer
Just curious: Are there *any* other non-horny, non-thirsty, asexual transgirls out there?
I feel like I am solo in this😂 It’s like that “Sex is great” meme I hate so much:
Sex is great, but have you ever tried just… not?
At least sometimes? I see all the stuff about tops and bottoms and it just feels like a nightmare mindfuck political power struggle to me. I suppose y’all are into it or you wouldn’t do it, but I’d rather dry up on a desert island than have to deal with sexual power struggles.
I absolutely abhor Valentine’s Day and everybody gets all hot and bothered for 3 weeks leading up to it. There’s all this sexual pressure put on everybody, and it feels like if you aren’t all sexed up then you are broken.
But… I know others like me *must* exist somewhere out there? It is difficult to deal with the messaging that tells me I’m broken because I don’t align with this aspect of human nature.
*Not dissing on you horny, thirsty, sex driven folks out there😂 It’s just something I am literally unable to relate to.
#ACE #Asexual #GrayAce #Trans #TransGender #TransGirl #TransWoman
#ace #asexual #grayace #trans #transgender #transgirl #transwoman
I don't think I ever wrote an #introduction post - and if I did, I'm better at Mastodon now, so let's go.
I'm a #gamer and #geek in #Cleveland. I enjoy #boardgames, #videogames, and am getting back into #streaming. I also enjoy #scifi, #Fantasy, and #marvel
I'm recently diagnosed with #adhd at 46 years of age, and identify as both #polyamorous and #grayace. I'm also a #progressive and an armchair #philosopher who loves #cocktail culture.
#introduction #gamer #geek #Cleveland #boardgames #videogames #Streaming #scifi #Fantasy #marvel #adhd #polyamorous #grayace #progressive #philosopher #cocktail
And personal re-#introduction with #hobbies, #identity, and other interests. See previous post for professional one.
➡️#Gaming: #TTRpg #BoardGames #pathfinder #pathfinder2e #gamer #MiniaturePainting #MiniPainting
➡️#Arts and #Crafts: #drawing #painting #crochet #knitting #embroidery #CrossStitch #sewing #cosplay
➡️Other #interests: #nature #NatureSpotting #bodybuilding #weightlifting #naturalist #cats #gardening
➡️#Pridentities: #nonbinary #GrayAce
➡️#Pronouns: they/them
#introduction #hobbies #identity #gaming #ttrpg #boardgames #pathfinder #pathfinder2e #gamer #miniaturepainting #minipainting #arts #crafts #drawing #painting #crochet #knitting #embroidery #crossstitch #sewing #cosplay #interests #nature #naturespotting #bodybuilding #weightlifting #naturalist #cats #gardening #pridentities #nonbinary #grayace #pronouns
So, guess it's time for a new pinned tweet!
I go by many names, but unless you know me IRL you can call me Pup Hoss! I'm a genderfluid, demigender, gray-ace (maybe cupio? Maybe Aego?), Gay-abro pup from Northern England! I use they/them pronouns and am Autistic as well!
I have a multitude of OCs including Tarz (hybrid horse-dragon, he/they) Bea (Bear, she/they) and Olivia (western dragon, she/her).
And when I'm not being a filthy furry in the internet I'm usually talking fantasy, true crime, Luciferian satanism, drag, leftist politics or muscular people who I want to emulate maybe.
My page is primarily nsfw or at least mature, so preferably 🔞🔞🔞 no minors!!!!
#grayace #demigender #genderfluid #paganism #satanism #furry #nsfw #british #actuallyautistic #anarchism #socialism
La grisexualidad o grisasexualidad.
#grisexual #grisexualidad #graysexual #graysexuality #GrayAce
#Grisexual #grisexualidad #graysexual #graysexuality #grayace
RT @GrisEspectro@twitter.com
La grisexualidad o grisasexualidad.
#grisexual #grisexualidad #graysexual #graysexuality #GrayAce
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/GrisEspectro/status/1595065283479232512
#grisexual #grisexualidad #graysexual #graysexuality #grayace
Oh hello!
My name is Melvin (they/them), #AuDHD, & I'm happy to be in a space populated by other neurodivergent folks 😺 .
I've had a muuuch higher success rate in harmonious relationships with other ND folks (& queer folks, which is the uniting factor of the other server I'm on).
I doubted the validity of my "membership" to both these groups for a long time (imposter syndrome, anyone?), but having that self-knowledge in the last few years has really helped me get my life set up in a somewhat manageable way -- e.g. finding covid-cautious, very quiet & non-judgmental folks to live with (they're both queer and #AuDHD! It's *not* perfect but it's SAFE) and making a new irl friendship back in February with yet another queer, AuDHD person, which has been so great; we met on OkCupid where I occasionally have a profile for the sole purpose of finding new friends (I hate dating and consider myself #GrayAce, but I DO really wanna find meaningful friendships that might still be around 10 years from now 🤞) since it offers a heavy filtration system and the opportunity to discuss covid precautions BEFORE being physically near one another.
Some of my, hmm, most influential?... special interests in my life, whether active now or just formative, include:
- #SelfGrowth #Psychology (majored in it back in college 2.0) #MentalHeath #Meditation
- #Words #Language #Etymology
- #Communication #NonviolentCommunication
- making #Art, playing #Guitar #Uke & #Singing, or writing poetry for stimming & emotional processing
- #MindBody connection / growing to feel my body & emotions / #Fitness #Movement #FunctionalMovement #BodyMastery #AshtangaYoga achieving an unsupported #Handstand
- #Science #Logic #HistoryOfScience
- #Philosophy #Ethics #Ontology #Stoicism / living life by a #MoralCode
- #Systems #Data #Patterns #ComputerScience (current major, 1 semester left for associate's then on to online university for that BS!) #ProblemSolving #Engineering
A new 1 I hope lasts:
#AuDHD #grayace #SelfGrowth #psychology #MentalHeath #meditation #words #language #etymology #communication #nonviolentcommunication #art #guitar #Uke #singing #mindbody #fitness #movement #FunctionalMovement #BodyMastery #ashtangayoga #Handstand #Science #logic #HistoryOfScience #philosophy #ethics #ontology #stoicism #MoralCode #systems #data #patterns #ComputerScience #problemsolving #engineering #quadskating
Here's my personal intro. Previous post is my professional one.
➡️#Gaming: #ttrpg #boardgames #pathfinder #pathfinder2e #gamer #miniaturepainting #minipainting
➡️#Arts and #Crafts: #drawing #painting #crochet #knitting #embroidery #crossstitch #sewing #cosplay
➡️Other #interests: #nature #naturespotting #bodybuilding #cats #gardening
➡️#Pridentities: #nonbinary #grayace
➡️#Pronouns: they/them
#gaming #ttrpg #boardgames #pathfinder #pathfinder2e #gamer #miniaturepainting #minipainting #arts #crafts #drawing #painting #crochet #knitting #embroidery #crossstitch #sewing #cosplay #interests #nature #naturespotting #bodybuilding #cats #gardening #pridentities #nonbinary #grayace #pronouns
Switched servers. Here's my #introduction:
HI! I'm Anya aka fierytart/elusiv. I'm constantly evolving & consistently questioning everything about myself.
The theory I'm operating under today is that I'm a CIS demi gray-ace neurodivergent woman.
I used to be an erotic romance author and a higher ed nerd. Now I'm a BDSM host and a higher ed nerd.
The kink community allows me to dress in costumes year round and experiment with wigs. Plus they're so damn accepting.
#introduction #bdsm #kink #demi #ace #grayace #adhd
『 Знам где припадам 』
Had I been taught about the existence of asexuality and ace spectrum earlier in my life, I could've been spared a lot of pain and feeling of not belonging anywhere. Now I know where I belong.
#MastoArt #asexual #asexuals #AsexualityAwareness #ace #grayace #grayasexual #demisexual #pride #lgbtq #lgbt #queer #aspec
#aspec #queer #lgbt #lgbtq #pride #demisexual #grayasexual #grayace #ace #AsexualityAwareness #asexuals #asexual #MastoArt
#introduction I'm a #GrayAce cis man in the #PacificNW. Graduated from #EvergreenStateCollege, which I love.
I'm interested in all things #math and most things #ComputerScience. Read a lot of #SciFi and #fantasy (mostly trash but also #Discworld), love #VideoGames and #comics. Never used Twitter (always seemed toxic) but really excited about the idea of decentralized social media. Great so far!
#introduction #grayace #pacificnw #EvergreenStateCollege #math #computerscience #scifi #fantasy #discworld #videogames #comics
(Some other relevant tags that didn’t fit in the intro post:)
#books #sff #theLockedTomb #RGBMars #LotR
#cooking #vegetarian #vegan #fakeMeat #hailSeitan
#metal #doomMetal #folkMetal #RABM #USBM #blackgaze
#lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia+ #transbian #transfem #nonbinary #bisexual #asexual #grayAce #demisexual
#leftist #antifa #anarchism #socialism #dontRankFrey
#longCovid #dysautonomia #POTS
#books #sff #TheLockedTomb #RGBMars #lotr #cooking #vegetarian #vegan #fakeMeat #hailSeitan #metal #doommetal #folkmetal #rabm #usbm #blackgaze #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqia #transbian #transfem #nonbinary #bisexual #asexual #grayace #demisexual #leftist #antifa #anarchism #socialism #DontRankFrey #LongCovid #dysautonomia #pots #deconstructingWhiteness #slovak #slavic #genx #midwest #webdev #css #typography #a11y #ui #ux
An #introduction: I'm Melissa (they/them)! Some of my projects are in my bio, but in general I am and do:
#polyamory #relationshipanarchy
I write. I #webdev. I play way too much Fallen London. I collect tattoos. I will not call posts "toots".
I like learning to be more imaginative in devising solutions to difficult problems. 🎊
#introduction #gamedev #podcasting #gardening #succulents #cacti #asexual #grayace #queer #polyamory #relationshipanarchy #webdev
I finally have a better idea what to put on an #introductions.
I'm very avidly into #gameing, enjoy #writing and generally being #creative. I love #movies and #music. Also big into #media #analysis of all of the above.
I generally enjoy the aesthetics of casinos/gambling and especially jesters.
I'm still exploring who I am, but I'm #genderfluid and #grayace and that is leading me into realizing that my options should be more open.
Nothing is more important to me than my friends.
#introductions #gameing #writing #creative #movies #music #media #analysis #genderfluid #grayace