Je suis en train de mettre en place #Promtail , #Loki et #Grafana pour la centralisation de la gestion de mes logs. Le plus long, c'est de configurer les alertes et les dashboards dans Grafana mais ça se fait.
Actuellement, j'utilise #Graylog mais je trouve que c'est une solution un peu trop lourde, en particulier si je regarde les ressources que ça consomme sur ma petite infra (2,5 Go de RAM pour la VM). En comparaison les VM de Loki et de Grafana consomment à elles deux environ 250 Mo de RAM.
#promtail #loki #grafana #graylog
Bonjour Mastodon,
Je suis à la recherche d'une solution Libre pas trop lourde de centralisation et d'analyse de logs.
J'utilise #Graylog aujourd'hui mais c'est une peu lourd vu mon cas d'usage. #ELK est à priori dans le même cas (voir pire). Du coup, est-ce que vous avez des retours concernant d'autres solutions (telles que #LOKI + #Grafana (que je pense regarder) ou autres) ?
@schrottkatze The classical one is #Nagios and if you want to logstash, #Graylog...
LOL, reciting the #LogManagement vendors called *log* on Investor calls is sorta farcical.
@SumoLogic @LogRythm #Graylog, #LogLogic @logstash @logzio @LogicMonitor
Bet I missed a few too!
Especially hard for investors who don't dive into the tech to differentiate.
#logmanagement #graylog #loglogic
ICYMI — Here's a step-by-step on how to install #Graylog on #Ubuntu, as well as some tips on how to verify the installation and make sure that everything is working properly. Watch: #logmanagement #cybersecurity
#graylog #ubuntu #logmanagement #cybersecurity
Wow, that's very cool.
If the author happens to see this:
How does it perform? Any sign of Elasticsearch struggling?
What model are you running? Wondering if it would overwhelm my 218+ or interfere when it's transcoding.
Have you joined our #Graylog Community yet? Drop by our new Water Cooler forum and share your goals or resolutions for 2023 (professional, personal, or community-related)! ➡️ #opensource #cybersecurity #logmanagement
#graylog #opensource #cybersecurity #logmanagement
The color palette for dashboard widgets in #graylog is really bad, especially for #colorblind people.
I hereby pledge that some day I will redo it, with color name tooltips and submit a patch.
The challenge will be selecting a proper palette, because I am #colorblind AF.
This is my #introduction.
My name is cyberkryption and I work in CERT.JE now.
Before, I was a CTO at a cybersecurity company specialising in all forms of penetration testing as well as custom defensive SIEM solutions based on Graylog.
Also known to play with electronics as I was an ATC Engineer on a life before securitty.
Also have always had a penchant fir bypassing av/edr
Views here are my own.
Stop by and say hi
#introduction #siem #graylog #pentest #security #blueteam #redteam
A lot of hard work here by the team. Check out what's new in #Graylog 5.0! #logmanagement
We're excited to announce the release of #Graylog 5.0! Graylog 5.0 brings updates across our entire product line, including changes to infrastructure, Security, Operations, and our Open offerings. Want to learn more about what’s new in 5.0? Read on: #cybersec
Our Founder @_lennart is back on Discord TOMORROW Friday, 12/2 at 1PM ET for our next "All Things Configured". This is an "Ask Lennart Anything" session with highlights about the Graylog v5.0 release. A do-not-miss! Join here: #Graylog #logmanagement #infosec
#graylog #logmanagement #infosec
Our Founder @_lennart is back on Discord TOMORROW Friday, 12/2 at 1PM ET for our next "All Things Configured". This an "Ask Lennart Anything" session with highlights about the Graylog v5.0 release. A do-not-miss! Join here: #Graylog #logmanagement #infosec
#graylog #logmanagement #infosec