Thel made a nice #GRDB tutorial on Youtube:
I’m a data person, not a UI person.
I’m simplifying here, but…
I love #SwiftUI and do not love #UIKit.
I do not love #SwiftData and do love #GRDB.
I think it’s because SwiftUI enables me to do stuff I am bobbins at, whereas SwiftData makes me cry because it’s not just raw SQL.
Again, simplifying. An observation (I flippin’ love the new Observable stuff!) is all.
#swiftui #UIKit #swiftdata #grdb
@helge Thanks for the heads up! I follow your #SwiftData adventures with great interest, even though I'm still not playing with it at all. Currently too busy trying to figure out a good Swift version of the SQLite JSON functions in #GRDB in (surprisingly less easy that one could expect, due to sensitive SQLite subtleties 🤯)
Some #GRDB features ship because a company has hired me for GRDB and SQLite advice. I can work for your app, too: just send a DM 🙂
🚀 #GRDB v6.16.0 is out! No, it's too early for macro goodness, so please be patient. Yet no one likes boilerplate, so this version introduces a handy way to declare associations in your database schema :-) Also, thank you @kustra for making GRDB build on Linux! Follow the link for details and other release notes
The SwiftUI companion to #GRDB, GRDBQuery, is now compatible with Xcode 14.3 beta. Bump to version 0.6.0:
Good news for #GRDB folks who use SPM and needs the FTS5 full-text engine: you no longer have to fork the repo 🎉 Just upgrade to v6.7.0!
@groue I understand your concerns, and it’s up to us to decide what suits us best.
A #grdb solution might be the best bet.
Could it be done automatically somehow, with “hidden” columns, so I don’t need worry about coding anything to get the functionality? Naming issues aside, would that be doable? Maybe with a table-level option to turn it on/off for situations where someone does not want the update to happen?
It’s an interesting problem 😀
#designInPublic I propose a possible strategy for assigning modification and creation dates to #GRDB records. Thoughts?
Poll time!
I'm considering bumping the minimum iOS target for #GRDB (currently iOS 11) - yes that would be a breaking change, so I'm cautious.
If you use GRDB, what's your current target? Extra thanks if you can give your macOS target as well in replies 😘
@mikaelacaron I come from a SQL background, so a database is the natural starting point for me where data is concerned.
For on-device stuff I use #grdb - it’s the best SQLite library I’ve tried and it’s as Swifty as you want or as SQLy as you want:
#grdb works like a charm. Easy to set up, fast and less counterintuitive than Core Data to me. At least when you are accustomed to SQLite and other frameworks.
If anything like litestream would exist for iOS and SQLite, I would be more than happy.
I'm currently using SQLite.swift for my play project but #GRDB came across my radar a few weeks back and I'm tempted to have a serious look since I working in multiple thread and like the idea of the way it's talking about units of work type stuff from what I see.
I’ve recently switched instance, so time for a new #introduction
I’m a tech geek and proud of it 🙂
Professionally I’m a #SQL Server person, but I am looking to transition to being an #iOS developer. To that end, I am building a #swift and #swiftui exercise planner app. #grdb is the best Swift library ever, and I’m taking no questions about this 😀
#fitness is something I love, particularly #running, and I’m partial to #apple #fitness+
I’m married (she loves tech too!), and we have a cat.
#introduction #sql #iOS #swift #swiftui #grdb #fitness #running #apple