La película #Grease es una de las comedias musicales más importantes de la historia del cine y ahora repasamos detalles que igual no sabías.
Listening to my #Vinyl #Collection - Album 150
Less Than Jake – Greased (1997)
#LessThanJake give a fun punk cover collection of select songs from the #Grease soundtrack. If you're into punk covers, it's a fun little EP.
#vinyl #collection #LessThanJake #grease #music #rock #ska #punk
#Filmfest 922 #Film #Cinema #Movies #MovingPicture #Grease #USA1978 #JohnTravolta #OliviaNewtonJohn
Grease (USA 1978) #Filmfest 922
#filmfest #film #cinema #movies #movingpicture #grease #usa1978 #johntravolta #olivianewtonjohn
Trafford Centre
#williamsmanchester #williamsmanchesterbmw #grease #greaseistheword #traffordcentre #ferriswheel #night #film #movies #manchester #manchesterphotography #movienight #williamsbmw #williamsbmwmanchester #fun #bmw #iphonephotography #drivein #driveinmovie
#williamsmanchester #williamsmanchesterbmw #grease #greaseistheword #traffordcentre #ferriswheel #night #film #movies #manchester #manchesterphotography #movienight #williamsbmw #williamsbmwmanchester #fun #BMW #iphonephotography #drivein #driveinmovie
Auf Netflix könnt ihr den Musical-Klassiker „Grease“ aus dem Jahr 1978 mit John Travolta und Olivia Newton-John sehen. In der ARD-Mediathek wartet mit „Off Cam: So ticken deutsche Twitch-Stars“ eine erhellende Doku auf euch. Und „Paradise Highway — Straße der Angst“ ist ein packender Crime-Thriller, der in der ZDF-Mediathek zu sehen ist.
#DoktorFroid #Grease #JohnTravolta #OffCam:SoTickenDeutscheTwitchStars #ParadiseHighway #WasLäuftHeute
#doktorfroid #grease #johntravolta #offcam #paradisehighway #waslauftheute
After watching the end of #Grease on television I realised there will be a generation of people for whom most things don't make sense.
Smoking all the time, an "angel" singing "you're worthless", making fun of people for being different and quite some (sexual) assault. How long until it is never broadcast anymore? 🤔
I'm loving Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies. It's a musical TV series, which I wasn't expecting, but it's so much fun.
I'm particularly loving Tricia Fukuhara, who really understands the assignment and owns every moment she gets on screen.
#grease #riseofthepinkladies #tv
Grease - Rise of the Pink Ladies: Digitale Kaufversion und DVD angekündigt #GreaseRiseOfThePinkLadies #Grease
#greaseriseofthepinkladies #grease
Did you miss #Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies, or want to see it again? It's not on Paramount+ anymore, but you can own the complete series now from iTunes or Amazon. Visit our HOTCHKA Shop page for details!
The accused has been detained based on the complaint, a police official said on Saturday
#MP #DalitClaims #Face #BodySmeared #HumanExcreta #TouchingOBCMan #Grease
#mp #dalitclaims #face #bodysmeared #humanexcreta #touchingobcman #grease
My contribution to #sundaypenisposting #penis #bate #grease
#sundaypenisposting #penis #bate #grease
#Movies #Grease #OliviaNewtonJohn
Via Super 70s Sports @super70ssports
Contrary to what Grease led me to believe, I eventually learned there weren't any hot 30-year-old Australian chicks in high school.
#movies #grease #olivianewtonjohn
Grease - Rise of the Pink Ladies: Paramount+ setzt Musicalserie ab #Grease #RiseOfThePinkLadies
Grease: Rise of the Pink Ladies Among Four Series Canceled at Paramount+ #2023_06_23 #consequence #eddie_fu #news #streaming #tv #grease #paramount_plus
#2023_06_23 #consequence #eddie_fu #news #streaming #tv #grease #paramount_plus
#Grease: #RiseofthePinkLadies is clearly trying to modernize the original #movie while acting as a prequel. Is it fun? Yes. Does it work? Mostly.
#series #reviews #reviews #drama #comedy #Music #Musical #Paramount #ParamountPlus
#grease #riseofthepinkladies #movie #series #reviews #drama #comedy #music #musical #paramount #paramountplus
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Marisa Davila Says ‘Rise of the Pink Ladies’ Is ‘Even More Blunt’ Than ‘Grease’ #Jezebel #entertainmentculture #englishlanguagefilms #creativeworks #humaninterest #marisadavila #musicals #grease #films
#jezebel #entertainmentculture #englishlanguagefilms #creativeworks #humaninterest #marisadavila #musicals #grease #films
Me to myself: "I'm not going to stay on my computer long, I'm just going to throw together a quick wallpaper and then I'm going to get ready for bed"
2.5 hours later... 😶
Just some stuff on my brain and in my heart lately. My desktop needed a bit of a refresh :BlobhajTinyHeart:
🏷️ #Wallpaper #Desktop #Mac #Hamilton #Grease #RiseOfThePinkLadies #LifeIsStrange #AmberPrice #Thesbians #LinManuelMiranda #Cats #Scrapbook #DigitalArt #Lesbian #InTheHeights
#wallpaper #desktop #mac #hamilton #grease #riseofthepinkladies #lifeisstrange #amberprice #thesbians #linmanuelmiranda #cats #scrapbook #digitalart #lesbian #intheheights
At 45 years old, "Grease" is old enough to be a Hollywood relic, but Didi Conn thinks the film's themes have kept it relevant over time.
#Grease #DidiConn #70s #70smovies #1970s #1970smovies #musicals #moviemusicals #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #entertainment #news #celebrity #celebritynews
#grease #didiconn #70s #70smovies #1970s #1970smovies #musicals #moviemusicals #movies #movienews #entertainmentnews #Entertainment #News #celebrity #celebritynews
Billion-year-old #grease hints at long history of complex #cells.
#grease #cells #steroids #originsoflife #membranes #protosteroids
Billion-year-old #grease hints at long #history of complex #cells