It’s fascinating that this official is claiming that woke criticisms are the problem, NOT the woke Policies that have been put in place.
Good News Fridays: I Made A MrBeast Video With $20
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall something great. After a long and stressful week, we all need something good to
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #IMadeAMrBeastVideoWith20 #RyanTrahan #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #imadeamrbeastvideowith20 #ryantrahan #youtube
Good News Fridays: Alabama Schoolchildren Learning To Eat Better Through Gardening
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good Ne
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaCooperativeExtensionSystem #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #AlabamaSchoolchildrenLearningToEatBetterThroughGardening #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #alabamacooperativeextensionsystem #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #alabamaschoolchildrenlearningtoeatbetterthroughgardening #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #youtube
Good News Fridays: Alabama Native, Louie The Lightning Bug, Turns 40
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LouieTheLightningBug #LouieTheLightningBugTurns40 #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #louiethelightningbug #louiethelightningbugturns40 #youtube
RT @frontlinekit
Maybe I should have said I'm 99.99% sure it's broken instead 😅 #GreatNews
Good News Fridays: Sesame Street: Elmo’s Mindfulness Spectacular
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall so
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #Elmo'sMindfulnessSpectacular #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #SesameStreet #SesameStreet:Elmo'sMindfulnessSpectacular #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #elmo #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #SesameStreet #youtube
Good News Fridays: Late Night Nightmare w/ Kimmel, Meyers, Colbert, Fallon, Letterman & Noah
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #DavidLetterman #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #JimmyFallon #JimmyKimmel #LateNightNightmare #SethMeyers #StephenColbert #TheLateLateShowwithJamesCorden #TrevorNoah #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #davidletterman #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #jimmyfallon #jimmykimmel #latenightnightmare #sethmeyers #stephencolbert #thelatelateshowwithjamescorden #trevornoah #youtube
#TurdkerCarlson #politics #Fox #fired #greatnews
Add the firing of Turdker Carlson as one of the greatest events of the 21st century.
#turdkercarlson #politics #fox #fired #greatnews
#TurdkerCarlson #politics #Fox #fired #greatnews
Add the firing of Turdker Carlson as one of the greatest events of the 21st century.
#turdkercarlson #politics #fox #fired #greatnews
#TurdkerCarlson #politics #Fox #fired #greatnews
Add the firing of Turdker Carlson as one of the greatest events of the 21st century.
#greatnews #fired #fox #Politics #turdkercarlson
Good News Fridays: How Alabama’s Only Billionaire “Yella Fella” Jimmy Rane Saved His Hometown
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week he
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #Forbes #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #GreatSouthernWoodPreserving #HowAlabama’sOnlyBillionaire"YellaFella"JimmyRaneSavedHisHometown #JimmyRane #YellaFella #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #forbes #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #greatsouthernwoodpreserving #howalabama #jimmyrane #yellafella #youtube
Good News Fridays: Helping People Hit By A Giant Tornado
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall something great. After a long and stressful wee
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #HelpingPeopleHitByAGiantTornado #RyanHall #RyanHallY'all #YouTube
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #helpingpeoplehitbyagianttornado #ryanhall #ryanhally #youtube
Good News Fridays: Innovative Alabama Extension System Program Inspires Barbour County Students To Make Healthier Choices
Welcome to the Good News Fri
#GoodNewsStuff #AlabamaCooperativeExtensionSystem #AlabamaNewsCenter #AlabamaPower #AuburnUniversitySNAP-Ed #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LiveWellAlabama
#goodnewsstuff #alabamacooperativeextensionsystem #alabamanewscenter #alabamapower #auburnuniversitysnap #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #livewellalabama
Good News Fridays: How Henson Puppeteers Bring Puppets To Life
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and o
#GoodNewsStuff #AdamSavage’sTested #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #HowHensonPuppeteersBringPuppetsToLife #JimHenson #JimHenson'sCreatureShop #TheMuppets
#goodnewsstuff #adamsavage #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #howhensonpuppeteersbringpuppetstolife #jimhenson #themuppets
Good News Fridays: New Book Aims To Teach Children How To Recognize And Understand Disabilities
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays
#GoodNewsStuff #CoolStuff #GoodMorningAmerica #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #LikeMeBook #NewBookAimsToTeachChildrenHowToRecognizeAndUnderstandDisabilities
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #goodmorningamerica #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #likemebook #newbookaimstoteachchildrenhowtorecognizeandunderstanddisabilities
Good News Fridays: 8-Foot-Tall Crichton Leprechaun Pops Up In Port City
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall somethin
#GoodNewsStuff #8-Foot-TallCrichtonLeprechaunPopsUpInPortCity #CoolStuff #CrichtonLeprechaun #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #WKRG-TV
#goodnewsstuff #coolstuff #crichtonleprechaun #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #wkrg
Good News Fridays: Giving 20,000 Shoes To Kids In Africa
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall something great. After a long and stressful week, we a
#GoodNewsStuff #BeastPhilanthropy #CoolStuff #Giving20000ShoesToKidsInAfrica #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews #Mr.Beast
#goodnewsstuff #beastphilanthropy #coolstuff #giving20000shoestokidsinafrica #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews #mr
#HighSeasTreaty signed after almost 20 years of talks. This is an historic leap forward, and crucial for enforcing the 30x30 pledge made by countries at the UN biodiversity conference in December. #GreatNews #Environment #biodiversity
#HighSeasTreaty #greatnews #environment #biodiversity
Good News Fridays: Brighter Futures, Brighter Rockets
Welcome to the Good News Fridays segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, Good News Fridays will feature something good, wholesome, positive, and overall something gre
#GoodNewsStuff #AuburnUniversity #AuburnUniversityRocketryAssociation #BrighterFuturesBrighterRockets #Children'sofAlabama #CoolStuff #GoodNews #GoodNewsFridays #GoodStuff #GreatNews
#goodnewsstuff #auburnuniversity #auburnuniversityrocketryassociation #brighterfuturesbrighterrockets #children #coolstuff #goodnews #goodnewsfridays #goodstuff #greatnews
“Flipboard is the latest service to embrace Mastodon as Twitter becomes increasingly chaotic under Elon Musk. The news reading app, whose founder was once on Twitter’s board of directors, is now going all in on the Fediverse.”
#flipboard #edtech #twitter #ezine #ContentCuration #GreatNews @Flipboard
#flipboard #edtech #Twitter #ezine #contentcuration #greatnews