Christopher Robinson · @captainsafety
420 followers · 397 posts · Server

Just finished and
. What do I do next? Play one of the 10+ games I started in the last few months and never finished? Tackle something on my seemingly infinite backlog? Abandon all of it for something new?

What are all of you playing? Any single player gems I might’ve overlooked?

#godofwarragnarok #highonlife #gaymer #toomanychoices #greatproblemtohave #somanyhashtags

Last updated 2 years ago

Christopher Robinson · @captainsafety
426 followers · 409 posts · Server

Just finished and
. What do I do next? Play one of the 10+ games I started in the last few months and never finished? Tackle something on my seemingly infinite backlog? Abandon all of it for something new?

What are all of you playing? Any single player gems I might’ve overlooked?

#godofwarragnarok #highonlife #gaymer #toomanychoices #greatproblemtohave #somanyhashtags

Last updated 2 years ago