How do you put together the team that can lead a civic project to success? First you need to see the road ahead. Then you have to find the mix of talents and connections to navigate all the twists and turns. #civiclead #greatprojects
Great leaders see the way forward … and sometimes that rises to the level of “genius." #civiclead #greatprojects
Progress comes to cities through civic projects. Why, then, do we know so little about these things? #civiclead #greatprojects
Articulating the “why": It’s critical to building an army of supporters for civic projects. #civiclead #greatprojects
Great projects take shape when leaders discover complementary interests. Oh, and a little luck helps too. #civiclead #greatprojects
When does your city need a great civic project, where do these things come from, and how are they managed? Here are seven elements of highly successful civic projects. #civiclead #greatprojects
Known and credible: Champions are important second-stage leaders in a change effort. Here’s why. #civiclead #greatprojects
How do you put together the team that can lead a civic project to success? First you need to see the road ahead. Then you have to find the mix of talents and connections to navigate all the twists and turns. #civiclead #greatprojects
Rules for Reformers: How the formula D x M x P explains why some change efforts succeed and others fail. #civiclead #greatprojects Second of eight lessons
Rules for Reformers: The three Ps every civic change effort must reckon with. #civiclead #greatprojects First of eight lessons
A map of community change: The final phase is getting a decision from others. This involves focused persuasion. And what persuades people to accept change? Need, vision and plan. Oh, and a little luck. #civiclead #greatprojects Fifth of five lessons
A map of community change: The key to navigating from one phase to another in a change process is to have a “guiding coalition.” But be aware that this coalition will change along the way. And it should. #civiclead #greatprojects Fourth of five lessons
A map of community change: The planning phase is the necessary slog of civic progress. It’s where you begin with a workable solution and refine it slowly, as you answer objection after objection after objection. #civiclead #greatprojects Third of five lessons
A map of community change: There are three phases. The first involves lots of people talking … in a structured way. And the key here is not to rush to answers. #civiclead #greatprojects Second of five lessons
A map of community change: Can you draw a process as complicated as community change on a single sheet of paper? Let’s try. #civiclead #greatprojects First of five lessons
Covering city hall: Most big civic projects don’t begin at city hall. So what IS local gov’t’s role? #civiclead #greatprojects Lesson two of seven.
Progress comes to cities through civic projects. Why, then, do we know so little about these things? #civiclead #greatprojects
How do you put together the team that can lead a civic project to success? First you need to see the road ahead. Then you have to find the mix of talents and connections to navigate all the twists and turns. #civiclead #greatprojects
Known and credible: Champions are important second-stage leaders in a change effort. Here’s why. #civiclead #greatprojects
Change the way people think about issues with respectful criticism, facts … and a new, positive frame. #civiclead #greatprojects