As the owner of two Great Pyrenees mountain dogs, I can attest to their loyalty and protectiveness. But 11 coyoyes vs. 1 GP = 8 dead and 3 fleeing coyotes?! Wow. Just, WOW.
Good boy, Casper. You are the Bruce Lee of mountain dogs.
Check it out:
#greatpyrinees #greatpyrs #greatpyreneesofmastodon #dogjitsu
I don't wanna be your salty dog, I don't wanna be your salty dog, honey...don't wanna be your salty dog.
#dogsofmastodon #greatpyreneesofmastodon #oregoncoast
Just a couple of Great Pyrenees mountain dogs guarding their flock.
#greatpyreneesofmastodon #greatpyrenees #pireneanmountaindogs #dogsofmastodon
The Audacity of Hope.
#greatpyrenees #greatpyreneesofmastodon #greatpyrs #SasquatchThePyr
Sasquatch, my Great Pyrenees, is the laughing Buddha of mountain dogs.
#dogsofmastodon #greatpyrenees #greatpyreneesofmastodon #greatpyrs #greatpyrsofmastodon #pyreneanmountaindogs