Was ist aus diesem Land geworden? Wo kommen all die Leute auf einmal her, die
* dumm
* dreist
* aggressiv
* Fakten leugnend
* geschichtsvergessen
sind? Und das alles gleichzeitig.
Davon gab es immer welche, aber sie traten nicht in Erscheinung und wenn, galten sie für 95% als Idioten.
Heute kommen sie aus allen Ecken. Und immer mehr werden so.
Wer hat die gerufen oder rausgelassen oder umgepolt?
Wenn es ein #GreatReplacement gibt, dann da.
#nichtmehrganzdicht #greatreplacement
The idiocy of some of these people 🤣
"They colonised us for 132yrs, and now, it's our turn to come here"
On one hand, I'm happy #Sharia invasion is taking place in whore cities of #france using the same techniques of the "summer of love". Because fuck 'em.
On the other hand, I can imagine proponents of the Great #Replacement theory laughing and saying "Told you so".
#greatreplacement #sharialaw #franceriots #marseille #racism #crt #thegreatreplacement
#sharia #france #Replacement #FranceOnFire #greatreplacement #sharialaw #FranceRiots #marseille #racism #CRT #thegreatreplacement
Maps of demographic change.
#whitereplacement #whitegenocide #greatreplacement #genetics
#whitereplacement #whitegenocide #greatreplacement #genetics
Watch changing demographics in Europe:
#hbd #greatreplacement #whitegenocide
Robots - or to be more accurate - #ChatGPT - are already replacing humans for some tasks. Lower quality but cheaper. @venzann @aligorith #GreatReplacement
French neo-fascists are celebrating the legacy of Dominique Venner, who killed himself 10 years ago this week with a gunshot to the head inside the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. He provides us with a great illustration of two principles I think about a lot: 1. “Replacement” ideology is a direct corollary to colonial ideology, and 2. The reactionary warrior cult is, ultimately, a death cult.
Venner made his first big splash in the world as a member of the Organization Armée Secrète (OAS, Secret Armed Organization) in the early 1960s. The name is as apt as it is unimaginative: they were a clandestine group within the French army. More specifically, while I’m generally not crazy about using the word “terrorist” where it’s anything less than a slam dunk, it does apply pretty neatly to Venner’s crew. They tortured people and carried out assassinations and bombings in the hope of both impeding the Algerian independence movement and stopping De Gaulle (who they also attempted to kill) from letting Algeria go. For all that, Venner spent only a year and a half in prison.
So he was obviously an ardent advocate for European settler colonialism. Or, put another way, he was fine with demographic replacement, so long as it was the right kind of demographic replacement. And he knew exactly how violent that process was. He had seen it up close and personal. He had directly participated in it. Is it any wonder, then, that he was absolutely terrified of brown-skinned people, particularly Muslims, taking up space within France and reproducing at higher rates than white, Christian French people? He was very much invested in the idea that different populations couldn’t just peacefully coexist, but rather that one always had to dominate the other. The thought of losing the upper hand must’ve really kept him up at night.
Despite the fact that concepts like “ethnopluralism” (coined by Henning Eichberg, an admirer of Venner’s) and “the great replacement” caught on as buffers against charges of blunt racism, I don’t think it’s any exaggeration to say that the people who embrace those ideas most vigorously are also the ones most resentful of post-Enlightenment principles like universal human rights and equality, which logically (at least in theory) point toward anti-racism and anti-colonialism. These people know just how violent those institutions are, and their rigidly hierarchical worldview makes them dread being on the receiving end. They can’t stand the idea of not being on top, because they only see one, absolutely terrifying alternative.
After he got out of the army, Venner first went into organizing young nationalist militants for several years. He then became a historian, writing very extensively (not to say obsessively) about the history of firearms and warfare. He also wrote a biography of Ernst Jünger, whose legacy is complicated, but whose early writings present war as a transcendent experience and the height of human experience.
Venner’s legacy is one of promoting nationalist militancy, and its absolute dead-end finality couldn’t be better encapsulated than by a guy who wanted to protest against the possibility that other people might get married, so he killed himself in a gruesome and public way. His final statement, in the name of Christian values (“pro-life”!) and racial competition, was a bloody one in opposition to marriage equality. If the logic of your ideology leads you to conclude that a big, dramatic suicide is a reasonable expression of opposition to other people just doing their thing and being happy, then you clearly value controlling other people’s lives over living your own. What is that, if not a death cult?
At any rate, the article below was published right after Venner killed himself. It’s a solid, brief summary of a terrible person. Worth checking out.
#Venner, #NouvelleDroite, #GreatReplacement, #neofascism, #ethnopluralism, #NotreDame, #colonialism,
#venner #nouvelledroite #greatreplacement #neofascism #ethnopluralism #notredame #colonialism
RT @JuergenZimmerer
Eine Graphik des Grauens! 25% der Bevölkerung glauben, dass die dt. Eliten das dt. Volk durch Einwanderung austauschen wollen. Das ist Hardcore Rechtsextremismus und völkisches Denken, bekannt auch als #GreatReplacement oder #GrosserAustausch #Umvolkung
Aus Studie @FESonline /2
#greatreplacement #grosseraustausch #umvolkung
RT @JuergenZimmerer
Eine Graphik des Grauens! 25% der Bevölkerung glauben, dass die dt. Eliten das dt. Volk durch Einwanderung austauschen wollen. Das ist Hardcore Rechtsextremismus und völkisches Denken, bekannt auch als #GreatReplacement oder #GrosserAustausch #Umvolkung
Aus Studie @FESonline /2
#umvolkung #grosseraustausch #greatreplacement
#Greenblat & #ADL are jumping into #FoxNews dumpster that is #Tucker firing. Yeah, there are no jews running Shows, making Corp. decisions and making money off of trading in hate at #FoxCorp.
#carlson #professionalvictims #greatreplacement #foxcorp #tucker #foxnews #adl #greenblat
Remember when we told you they were nazis and you told us to stop exaggerating?
Turns out we were right. We've been right all along. They are actual nazis, and always have been.
More links:
#SverigeDemokraterna #SwedenDemocrats #Nazis #Sweden #Svärje #TheRoadToFascism #Politics #SvPol #GreatReplacement
#sverigedemokraterna #swedendemocrats #nazis #sweden #svarje #theroadtofascism #politics #svpol #greatreplacement
>2 dozen #Republicans sitting on the #House Oversight&Accountability Cmte refused to join their Democratic counterparts in signing a letter denouncing #WhiteSupremacy & #Racist #ConspiracyTheories.
In a ltr to chair Rep #JamesComer (R-KY) ranking #Democrat #JamieRaskin urged all Republicans to join cmte Dems in signing a draft pledge denouncing "#WhiteNationalism & #WhiteSupremacy," as well the use of related conspiracy theories, incl’g the "#GreatReplacement" theory during committee hearings.
#republicans #house #whitesupremacy #racist #conspiracytheories #jamescomer #democrat #jamieraskin #whitenationalism #greatreplacement
#Republicans do not want to go on-record that they agree with this statement
"We, Members of the Committee on #Oversight and #Accountability, together denounce #WhiteNationalism and #WhiteSupremacy in all its forms, including the “ #GreatReplacement ” conspiracy theory. These hateful and dangerous ideologies have no place in the work of the #US #Congress or our Committee."
Oversight committee Republicans won’t sign Democrats’ letter denouncing white supremacy
#iamdb #Congress #US #greatreplacement #whitesupremacy #whitenationalism #accountability #oversight #republicans
They're getting rid of you and your family to make way for your #illegal replacements
#migrants #MichaelYon #greatreplacement #illegal
They're getting rid of you and your family to make way for your #illegal replacements #greatreplacement #MichaelYon #migrants
#migrants #MichaelYon #greatreplacement #illegal
#Grevesmühlen 🇩🇪 #Germany Native #EthnicEuropean Germans in a small village protest after government plans to force 500 migrants on their community were revealed. #EthnicReplacement is criminal &a form of ethnocide. Stop the #GreatReplacement
#greatreplacement #EthnicReplacement #EthnicEuropean #germany #Grevesmühlen
I am guessing that there are now more folks on #mastodon that joined since Oct 1 2022 than there are that joined prior to that date.
This of course makes me wonder if what is going on in the reaction of some long-timers is akin to #greatreplacement theory.
After the Home Secretary was caught on video refusing to apologize for calling asylum seekers and refugees in the UK an “invasion”, the Home Office apparently asked the org that (first?) published the video to take it down. So she doesn’t want to apologize, but also doesn’t want that publicized. I mean, make up your mind: own it or don’t, you weasel. The full version of that exchange is, in fact, widely available and no amount of politician-speak can get around the rank vilification and dehumanization of migrants that is built into that kind of language.
#braverman #invasion #greatreplacement #replacementideology
RT @JuergenZimmerer
#WhiteGenocide und #GreatReplacement von einem, der mal die Verfassung schützen sollte!
👉Und das mit Worten, die auf den #Holocaust verweisen (Goldhagen).
Warum regen sich bestimmte Kreise hier nicht über NS-Relativierung auf. Der Mann ist noch bei der #CDU 🔥
#cdu #holocaust #greatreplacement #whitegenocide
RT @ChrisStoecker@twitter.com
Kolumne: Feiertags-Longread zur überragenden Bedeutung der bei uns bis heute wenig bekannten Website #4chan für viel, was uns heute subkulturell beschäftigt - von #Gamergate über #Pizzagate zu #QAnon, von #GreatReset und #GreatReplacement zu Massenmord. https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/was-qanon-und-afd-mit-sexueller-frustration-und-videospielen-zu-tun-haben-kolumne-a-4ecb7d38-7d47-420e-aae0-b47cbafb3d84?sara_ecid=soci_upd_KsBF0AFjflf0DZCxpPYDCQgO1dEMph
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ChrisStoecker/status/1607077453242974209
#4chan #gamergate #pizzagate #qanon #greatreset #greatreplacement