Take the #ChildTaxCredit. This is the most successful social program in living memory, a single initiative that did more to lift American children out of poverty than any other since the days of the #GreatSociety. It turns out that giving poor people money makes them less poor, which is weird, because neoliberal economists have spent decades assuring us that this is not the case:
Republicans won’t stop until they’ve completely hollowed out our economy and turned us into permanent servants of the ruling class. It has to stop! We need to be expanding New Deal and Great Society programs, not cutting them. #newdeal #greatsociety #socialsecurity #socialdemocracy
#socialdemocracy #socialsecurity #greatsociety #newdeal
Republicans won’t stop until they’ve completely hollowed out our economy and turned us into permanent servants of the ruling class. It has to stop! We need to be expanding New Deal and Great Society programs, not cutting them. #newdeal #greatsociety #socialsecurity #socialdemocracy
#socialdemocracy #socialsecurity #greatsociety #newdeal
Republicans won’t stop until they’ve completely hollow-ed out our economy and turn us into permanent servants of the working class. It has to stop! We need to be expanding New Deal and Great Society programs, not cut them. #newdeal #greatsociety #socialsecurity #socialdemocracy
#socialdemocracy #socialsecurity #greatsociety #newdeal