"The system of chaotic markets must be replaced by democratic planning, that of competing states and hegemons by cooperation, and social hierarchy by solidarity and equality.
Mainstream pundits see that prognosis as unrealistic, and they’re right. Yet it is the most coherent and least fanciful of the options at this ‘wicked’ juncture in which all prescriptions are necessarily unrealistic." #GreatTransformation #ClimateCrisis #EcologicalCrisis #ecosocialism
#greattransformation #climatecrisis #ecologicalcrisis #ecosocialism
Aykut Kibritçioğlu (2021): “İktisatçıların Gözünden COVID-19 Krizi ve ‘Büyük Dönüşüm’ İhtiyacı”
#COVID19 #BüyükDönüşüm #GreatTransformation #GroßeTransformation
#COVID19 #buyukdonusum #greattransformation #großetransformation