@alan @nathan gorgeous! I recently learned about the #GreatWesternTrail (https://www.blm.gov/visit/great-western-trail) which will hopefully materialize!
#greatwesterntrail #greatbasin #arizona #idaho #montana #utah #wyoming
Zur Auflösung von gestern - gesucht war #GreatWesternTrail - gibt es die aktuelle Top10-Liste inkl. gestern. An der Spitze nichts neues, aber dahinter wurden munter die Plätze getauscht - und alles noch eng beisammen.
My last 5 board game plays:
#Arboretum - if this doesn't count because it's just a card game, then: #KingOfNewYork
Next 5... ? ouch... that's hard. maybe:
#Civilization : A New Dawn
#tyrantsoftheunderdark #evolution #nippon #greatwesterntrail #civilization #kingofnewyork #arboretum #powergrid #gravwell #orleans #village
Wednesday night gaming saw 'Great Western Trail - Argentina' on the table and don't cry for me because it was really fun! (I'm sure noone has used that pun yet).
If you played the original then this has the same basics but adds some interesting new mechanics that I really enjoyed. In fact, I think I prefer this version.
#BoardGames #greatwesterntrail