RT @kravgi@twitter.com
#GreeceFascistRegime #GreecePoliceState
Ώς πότε θα μπορούν
-άσιτοι άνυδροι, άρρωστοι, πληγωμένοι-
να λένε «Help us!» https://twitter.com/alarm_phone/status/1603724888220516352
#greecefascistregime #greecepolicestate #refugeesgr
RT @kravgi@twitter.com
#Φραγκουλης #ΚώσταςΦραγκουλης #Ρομά #GreecePoliceState #GreeceFascistRegime
#antireport #ACAB
ΠΑΤΡΑ https://twitter.com/igeitonissa/status/1602715294463582214
#ACAB #antireport #greecefascistregime #greecepolicestate #Ρομά #κώσταςφραγκουλης #φραγκουλης
RT @phesimeonid@twitter.com
[thread][#greecepolicestate][#antireport][#farright][#patches][1] Every few months I keep track of far-right and neonazi symbols that show up in police uniforms in Greece. Here's a selection of some recent ones found online (uploaded by the officers themselves) >
#patches #farright #antireport #greecepolicestate
RT @phesimeonid@twitter.com
[thread][#greecepolicestate][#farright][#patches][1] Yet another time that a greek police officer is seen wearing a far right patch, this time in #SKG, in a picture taken by @teacherdude@twitter.com > https://twitter.com/teacherdude/status/1523977311787356161
#skg #patches #farright #greecepolicestate