@fkamiah17 I mean it's not like he needs any more money. đ #greedisnotgood
How different would the world we live in be today if religions had preached, as a core tenet, taking care of the earth and one another? Religion, particularly Christianity, has much to answer for.
#greedisnotgood #religionisapoorexcuse
@Rycaut @carnage4life @BlackAzizAnansi Carried to a logical conclusion, that's a company with a founder, a CEO and a bunch of robots/AI, thus enriching shareholders to the max.
Unfortunately they seem to be totally unaware that having dispensed with their workers, they've also done away with their own and other companies' customers - and the basis for the whole #economy.
Some of us read Ayn Rand and came away thinking, "What a stupid book, that was obviously written to appeal to selfish assholes!"
That should be obvious, especially since wages have been stagnate for ages. But the RBA are already trying to blame wages, and wages have barely moved. #GreedIsNotGood
Too many #HealthSystems have lost sight of their real purpose: to heal people and promote their health. Maximizing net revenue and #profits seems to come first and health outcomes are secondary. #TimeForChange #GreedIsNotGood
#healthsystems #profits #timeforchange #greedisnotgood
This is getting very very silly. If at any point in your life your actions make you a billionaire, you are demonstrably not a "selfless visionary." You are primarily a profiteer, and possibly many other things after that. But primarily a profiteer.
#greedisnotgood #gordongekko
This is getting very very silly. If at any point in your life your actions make you a billionaire, you are demonstrably not a "selfless visionary." You are primarily a profiteer, and possibly many other things after that. But primarily a profiteer.
#greedisnotgood #gordongekko
Another Rauschenbusch gem from 1916:
"Extortionate and domineering leadership must be superseded where the Kingdom of God moves forward."
#SocialistBaptist #capitalism #greedisnotgood
Apple sure knows how to wring every penny out of the iPhone
Seems on brand to charge a subscription fee in order for their customers to afford their products than to simply lower prices.
Its not like Apple hasn't spent almost HALF A TRILLION dollars buying back their own stock in the last 10 years or anything