Who is surprised? #MalignTories #GreedyTories
UK government is hiding £28bn of ‘stealth cuts’ to public services, says report
Biased mainstream media coverage of the teacher's strikes have been portraying teachers as greedy. We won't fall for it. We know its the tories who are greedy! #GreedyTories #ToryGreed #ToryScum #ToryPress #MediaBias #MainstreamMedia #MainstreamMediaBias #FreeThePress @thecanaryuk
#greedytories #torygreed #toryscum #torypress #mediabias #mainstreammedia #mainstreammediabias #freethepress
Has #NadhimZahawi resigned yet?
@#gtto #CorruptToriesOut #greedytories #torytaxbombshell
#nadhimzahawi #gtto #corrupttoriesout #greedytories #torytaxbombshell
#GreedyTories Save NHS:#ToriesInfitToGovern
#greedytories #ToriesInfitToGovern
We know, as taxpayers, there is PLENTY to go around. It's just the typical #GreedyTories that are not prepared to share. #ToriesLiningTheirOwnPockets
#toriesliningtheirownpockets #greedytories #supportallstrikingworkers
RT @barnaclebum6@twitter.com
MP silent over £3,250-a-month rent claims https://www.kentonline.co.uk/faversham/news/mp-silent-over-3-250-a-month-rent-claims-245578/ No wonder there's supposed to be no money in the 'Pot' for Nurses & Posties etc....Greedy Tory MPs making 'The most of' expenses. Over £3k a mth is just pure taking the piss! #Strikes #GreedyTories #Expenses #NHS
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/barnaclebum6/status/1603442380841324545
#strikes #greedytories #expenses #nhs