Hey Sunrise, where do we go for the best Greek food? Souvlaki Street. They serve up the most authentic Greek cuisine in the area. Enjoy Souvlaki Street at your next Party or Event! Family Platter Packs including Chicken or Pork Skewers, House Fries or Yellow Street Rice, Greek or Caesar Salad, Pita Bread, and tzatziki Sauce starting at $45. #SoFloDining #soflomas #sunrise #sunrisefl #tamaracfl #tamarac #greekfood #greek #mediterraneanfood #mediterranean #fortlauderdale https://fb.watch/mZFGTg9ig6/
#soflodining #soflomas #sunrise #sunrisefl #tamaracfl #tamarac #greekfood #greek #mediterraneanfood #mediterranean #fortlauderdale
It was a Greek food kind of evening last night. I wildcrafted the grape leaves on our property.
#greekfood #wildcrafting #homecooking
Neuer Kurzfilm: https://youtube.com/shorts/X60I-9JrzFI
Griechisches Sonntagsessen mit Vorspeisenplatte
Der Kurzfilm zeigt unser griechisches Sonntagsessen mit Vorspeisenplatte am 9.7.23.
#Mittagessen #Griechenland #griechischesEssen #Vorspeisenplatte #Sonntagsessen #Lunch #Greece #GreekFood #AppetizerPlatter #SundayLunch #Μεσημεριανό #Ελλάδα #Ελληνικόφαγητό #Πιατέλαορεκτικών #ΚυριακάτικοΜεσημεριανό
#κυριακάτικομεσημεριανό #πιατέλαορεκτικών #ελληνικόφαγητό #Ελλάδα #μεσημεριανό #SundayLunch #appetizerplatter #greekfood #greece #lunch #sonntagsessen #vorspeisenplatte #griechischesEssen #griechenland #mittagessen
The start of the oregano harvest. This is less than a quarter of it, we have a lot of oregano. #oregano #herbs #GreekFood
I made tiropitakia today 🙂
A nice snack for travelling.
This is the recipe I used:
It's not ancient cuisine, but all ingredients were available in ancient Greece - except for the self-rising flour but I used regular flour myself.
#greekfood #cooking #baking #bakingtime #food #foodiverse
🧵 3/Salt of the Earth/Caroline Dorit ⬆️
A sun-kissed, glorious, vibrant, yet serious book.
How can you resist?
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #SaltOfTheEarth #CarolineDoriti #GreekFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #saltoftheearth #carolinedoriti #greekfood
🧵 2/Salt of the Earth/Caroline Dorit ⬆️
The book is divided into chapters that typify Greek cuisines: Olive, Grain, Hive, Seed and Vine. There is no getting away from it - this book is not an overwhelmingly vegetarian's delight, but the ratio of non-meat dishes is high enough to possibly warrant a place in the bookcase of very serious vegetarian lovers of Greek food. Oh those baked quinces!
There is a lot of information on recipes and ingredients, gorgeous pics and once in a while, a photo of the beautiful Greek country side.
The book is a little chef-y in appearance but in a good way, and home cooks should not be put off.
To more practical matters - the index looks good, with Greek names as well as English. The paper is fabulous for scribbling notes, although some pages have little space on them. It doesn't have a in-book bookmark, which is a real pity.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #SaltOfTheEarth #CarolineDoriti #GreekFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #saltoftheearth #carolinedoriti #greekfood
🧵 1/Salt of the Earth/Caroline Doriti
Oh my, a book for SERIOUS lovers of Greek food.
Salt of the Earth: Secrets and Stories from a Greek Kitchen, by Caroline Doriti
Published: 2023
Publisher: Quadrille Publishing
Pages: 256
Price: Around $42, but always check around as prices vary. Ebooks can be cheaper.
As mentioned it is a serious book for serious lovers of Greek cuisines. It drips of honey, olives, lemons, grapes, sunshine, wild food, fresh produce and kitchen aromas.
Even the cover itself is delicious - hard but silky and embossed with olives, olive leaves, grape leaves and lemons.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #cooking #SaltOfTheEarth #CarolineDoriti #GreekFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #cooking #saltoftheearth #carolinedoriti #greekfood
FyneFest Trip - Day 2 https://www.martijn.be/2023/05/31/fynefest-trip-day-2-3/ #Bar, #Breakfast, #Brewery, #CalMacFerries, #Coffee, #CraftBeer, #FF202306, #Food, #Glasgow, #GreekFood, #Hotel, #IsleOfArran, #Museum, #NationalTrustForScotland, #PublicTransport, #Scotland, #Scotrail, #Train, #Travel, #Trip, #TurkishFood, #UnitedKingdom, #Whisky
#bar #breakfast #brewery #calmacferries #coffee #craftbeer #ff202306 #food #glasgow #greekfood #hotel #IsleofArran #museum #nationaltrustforscotland #publictransport #scotland #Scotrail #train #travel #trip #turkishfood #unitedkingdom #whisky
🧵 3/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos ⬆️
Although this book focuses on gluten-free, the recipes are delicious enough even for people not concerned about gluten. There are risottos, beautiful soups, bright salads amongst many favourites. Spanakopita. Mejadra.Falafel. Stuffed bullhorn peppers/capsicums. Veg Moussaka. Dolmades. And sweet things galore.
And, oh my, the Cypriot Haloumi Bread!!!
I recommend this book for anyone interested in healthy eating and gorgeous fresh food.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #GlutenFree #CookingAU #cooking #GlutenFreeMediterranean #HelenTzouganatos #GreekFood #MediterraneanFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #glutenfree #cookingau #cooking #glutenfreemediterranean #helentzouganatos #greekfood #mediterraneanfood
🧵 2/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos ⬆️
The cover is bright and quirky, the book is richly illustrated with mouth-watering pics, and the paper is matt-enough to scribble your inspirational thoughts on. The index is better than the previous book reviewed ⬆️ (which was minimal) - this one lists both recipe names and common ingredients.
There are a few pages on gluten-free diets and ingredients suitable for Mediterranean cooking, but it is not extensive. It assumes you have some knowledge about gluten-free diets in general.
As it happens, most of the recipes are also dairy-free. All recipes are clearly marked for these, and for Vegetarian and Vegan dishes.
She talks about her approach and TV show here: https://www.sbs.com.au/food/article/2023/03/07/whats-my-gluten-free-mediterranean-kitchen
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #GlutenFree #CookingAU #cooking #GlutenFreeMediterranean #HelenTzouganatos #GreekFood #MediterraneanFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #glutenfree #cookingau #cooking #glutenfreemediterranean #helentzouganatos #greekfood #mediterraneanfood
🧵 1/Gluten-Free Mediterranean/ Helen Tzouganatos
Since we have been in Italy ⬆️ , let's stay in the same general area with this book. While more Greek-oriented than not, and written by a 2nd Generation Greek-Australlian, it is such a fabulous book.
Gluten-Free Mediterranean, by Helen Tzouganatos
Published: 2023
Publisher: Pan McMillan Australia
Pages: 222
Price: Around $29, but always check around as prices vary. E-book version is cheaper
Helen T hosts a show on SBS focusing on the same topic. Although growing up in Australia, she lived in migrant-rich parts of Sydney and collected recipes from all she came in contact with.
It is a challenge for vegetarians who need or wish to further restrict their diets - gluten-free or dairy-free or sugar-free, or some combination of those. You begin to run out of options. However, in this book, Helen T has a good balance of vegetarian and non-vegetarian.
#cookbookReviews #cookbooks #cookbookReview #LTCCookbookReviews #GlutenFree #CookingAU #cooking #GlutenFreeMediterranean #HelenTzouganatos #GreekFood #MediterraneanFood
#cookbookreviews #cookbooks #cookbookreview #ltccookbookreviews #glutenfree #cookingau #cooking #glutenfreemediterranean #helentzouganatos #greekfood #mediterraneanfood
Wow! So many yummy #GreekFood dishes I didn’t know about! #BerylShereshewsky is a gem
Lunch is served #HawksTalks #HawksTV #MadeByGoogle #Pixel7Pro #ShrimpKalamaki #GreekSalad #GreekFood
#HawksTalks #HawksTV #madebygoogle #Pixel7Pro #shrimpkalamaki #greeksalad #greekfood
Neuer Kurzfilm: https://youtube.com/shorts/3fDYZkBrh60
Griechisches Essen in Taverne Olympia Forchheim
Der Kurzfilm zeigt mein griechisches Mittagessen in der Taverne Olympia in Forchheim am 26.02.2023.
#Essen #GriechischeKüche #GriechischesEssen #Mittagessen #GriechischesRestaurant #Φαγητό #ΕλληνικήΚουζίνα #Ελληνικόφαγητό #Μεσημεριανό #ΕλληνικόΕστιατόριο #Eat #GreekCuisine #GreekFood #Lunch #GreekRestaurant
#greekrestaurant #lunch #greekfood #GreekCuisine #eat #ελληνικόεστιατόριο #μεσημεριανό #ελληνικόφαγητό #ελληνικήκουζίνα #φαγητό #griechischesrestaurant #mittagessen #griechischesEssen #griechischekuche #essen
New short film: https://youtube.com/shorts/g44xbS5kCyc
Greek food at the Greek restaurant
The film shows our Greek lunch at the Greek restaurant in Forchheim.
#Lunch #GreekCuisine #GreekFood #GreekRestaurant
#greekrestaurant #greekfood #GreekCuisine #lunch
It's a Greek kind of night at Meraki Greek Grill #HawksTalks #HawksTV #TheVegasYouDontSee #IsThisReallyLasVegas #MadeByGoogle #Pixel7ProPhotography #Pixel7Pro #LasVegasValley #GreekFood #GreekSalad #ShrimpKalamaki
#HawksTalks #HawksTV #thevegasyoudontsee #isthisreallylasvegas #madebygoogle #pixel7prophotography #Pixel7Pro #lasvegasvalley #greekfood #greeksalad #shrimpkalamaki
I just had the original (?) Greek mousaka. It's phenomenal, much better with #Eggplants
#greekfood #greek #EggplantTuesday #Eggplants
Tom Hanks Eats His Last Meal https://moderntraditional.com/2023/01/tom-hanks-eats-his-last-meal/
#TomHanks #LastMeal #MythicalKitchen #MythicalShows #ChefJosh #GreekFood #DietDrPepper #Diabetes #Covid19
#tomhanks #lastmeal #mythicalkitchen #mythicalshows #chefjosh #greekfood #DietDrPepper #diabetes #COVID19